"V.I.A Notes" by Ibbowibbo

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V.I.A notes

Turtlc is a Former V.I.A associate

aSnowman is a Former Agent V.I.A Agent

Minejak is a former Notable V.I.A Agent

Xtreme__ is the V.I.A Director

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JohnMoore, wallywest and SerialNano are some V.I.A agent

Cadeology is a Former Notable V.I.A Agent

Ryanbrock is a Former Notable V.I.A Agent

Ameed is the Second President of Vindex Nation

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ultiment9 is the First V.I.A Director

V.I.A HQ is located at seawall near the Pentagon....

We cant Tp, call or any / in there ...

If Police, Army, Swat or V.I.A Agent find you in

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there, they will KOS !

They are a lot of Offices that no one can get it ...

The archives are locked whit some secret door codes

The undergrounds are filled whit Prison cells, I think its for some science tests ...