"A Love Story" by Sir_Timothy_

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Jonathan was happy, he finaly finished his own airshow, and it had gone brilliantly, the contributions from the president along with the civilians occasional contributions meant that he had earned a fair amount of money, The president had payed him 4 K

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and in total the civilians contributions together made up for another 2 k, he already had 6 K so now he could buy the Bi-Plane 2 seater at a discount from the Army Chief. He was excited, until now he had only ever had the basic stuntplane. Well, appart

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from his occasional ajustments to the colouring. He was happy as he went to bed, chuffed, you could say, at the fact that he had earned so much money on his first official airshow. The fact the president came was GREAT for business.

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He lay there in his bed, thinking over the past events of the day. It was strange, he thought, having at one stage been a Police officer just for the high paycheck, and now beggining to earn money from his OWN business. It was on this thought that he

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fell asleep, into a deep unfurreled slumber.
He awoke to the sounds of birds, and instantly knew that it was going to be a bright day, a day just brewing with fun. He pulled on his jeans from yesterday and did up a new shirt.

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Jonathan hurtled down the corridor and crashed into the ap1 building, slamming open the door to his friends house and screaming "wake up! its a beautifull day!" the only reply was a muffled groan, as always, Jonathan was slightly dishearted that his

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best friend Mr TimThePvpMaster was always grumpy, but he wouldnt let it ruin is day. Then it came, the sudden urge to go to the world of wonder, even though it was still being built. After a while of asking around, he finaly found someone who would come,

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Skylar. They took a while finding each other around the park, as they were at different ends, and when they did, Skylar seemed to have infinite food and an apetite for running away from Jonathan. Finaly, after what seemed like hours worth of begging,

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Jonathan got her to slow down. They did a few rides, and after a while, got bored. This was a mistake, because once they got bored, they got up to mischevious things. Jonathan, would divert the police, then skylar would rob the bank. The funny thing is,

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they never actualy made it. Then, one day, there was a service in church. Everyone went, even Jonathan and Skylar, who sat seperate, but glanced at each other every now and then. Once the serviced finished, they chatted, until all the others slowly

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filtered out through the small excit. They mucked about for a bit, Skylar pretending to be the Chaplain. Then, out of the blue, Jonathan said "Skylar, would you be my girlfriend?" The expression on her face when he said that Jonathan will never forget.

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"Yes!" she exclaimed, then they hugged, this was the beggining of a new relationship, a strong one, and a loved one. They stopped at the mall a few times, and finaly headed towards Skylars home in the Homes4Sales building. Stepping through the doorway of

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her plushly decorated appartment, he noticed right next to them was a boy called Maxy, and his girlfriend Ellie, they looked at each other, and it was the kind of look you get in true love, they knew what the other would say. And, in unison, they both

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mumbled "Lets meet our new neighbours". And so they did, After what seemed like hours of chatting, Maxy said he would like some "alone" time with his girlfriend, so they went back to their house. Just as they sat down, there was a tremendous crash!

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They both jumped up and raced onto the landing, to see Ellies dad, (Ryan) shouting "what is this, you dirty people" Maxy looked dazed, staring unhelpfully at Ellie who had her hand around the wooden pole suspending the roof from the floor of their appart-

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ment, "Your both under 16! How dare you do such a thing where people could find out!" Skylar nudged Jonathan towards the stairs, saying "I think we should leave before things kick off" so they did, and, it was pretty obvious to everyone what had

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been happening with Maxy and Ellie. Both Jonathan and Skylar were aghast. They never saw either of the couple again. "Wow, that was an icebreaker was it not?" Jonathan said to Skylar, as they kissed. They both laughed. Then Skylar looked at her watch, oh

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look! its super late, i should really get to bed, "Ok, well, see you tommoz then?" Jonathan answered
***********************Jonathan woke again, in the same old bed, same old run down appartment, with the same painting of people fighting on

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his wall, and the same old snoring coming from downstairs, He even wondered if the whole ordeal with Skylar was a dream, thats how amazing it felt. Now that he had a girlfriend, he felt that his whole life had been straightened out! Like there was a

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blanket of happyness laid across his face, daring him to be sad. He shot out of bed and raced in his car down to Skylars appartment building, he even tried spamming the button for 2nd floor on the elevator to make it go quicker. He stepped out and almost

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as quick as the famous sprinter "Turtlc" he crashed into Skylars door and made a loud knock "SKYLAR!" There was a muffled groan that reminded him of Timmy, his friend, but then the door opened to emmit her in her white penguin onezie. "Please tell me that

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yesterday wasnt a dream!" Jonathan begged
"No, No it wasnt Jonathan, No it wasnt" Skylar said, with a giggle in her tone.
"Thank god"
"Hi to you to"
"Oh, sorry, where are my manners!" Jonathan tutted. "Dont worry, i wont judge"

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"GOod good" Jonathan said, turning on his heel and striding away.
"Are you coming or not?" he said, over his shoulder
"What, dressed in a onezie and slippers?" Skylar repleid,
"Oh, sorry, see you then at the Brewery? K?"
"Yea whatever"

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Jonathan heard Skylar before he saw her, her elegant long strides mixed with her High-stiletoes made her foot steps distinct as she entered the brewery.
"How nice to see you"
"you to" Skylar replied. Jonathan felt like saying 'How has your day been'

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But he felt so mystified by her beauty and long swishing hair that he might aswell have said 'Cat got meh tounge',
So the silence started. Hour after our just staring at each other, then , they leant in to kiss, and, Jonathan had felt like his world

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couldnt get better, but it just had! [This was the last Jonathan remembered for the next few days becauuse they just got wasted every day and didnt sleep.]

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"This new home looks amazing!" Jonathan said,
They had just bought a new home in the new-made resort in Wyndham, it was beautiful and overlooked the Vindexian Desert, where many people had died from thirst. It even had its own pool.

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Here they lived for several months, nothing going wrong, every day the same routine {Wake up}
{Kiss goodbye}
{Go of to various places}
{Come home}
{get slightly drunk}

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This went on for ages, each time, Jonathan and Skylar getting closer and closer together. Until it all went wrong:
"I just cant anymore Jonathan"
"WHy skylar? I loved you"
"because you just act so fucking childish sometimes!"

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"Im sorry skylar, it doesnt have to be like this!" Jonathan said, wiping a tear away from his eye.
"It is Jonathan, I already told you I cant put up with your stupid attitude" Skylar said, gaining more infuriated by the second
"Please skylar,,,"

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Jonathan said, his voice little more than a whisper.
"Im sorry Jonathan, I loved you to, but we cant be together anymore..."

[Authors Notes]
Dear the real Sky, Im sure you recognised the story,

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even though you divorced me, I want you to know you will always be in my heart.