"Laboral Contract" by AmaidoGoodman

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Laboral Contract

When signing this contract, both Amaido Goodman (refered to as the first party from now on) and Derrick Masters (refered to as the second party) agree on these terms for the labor of the 2nd party on Anonymous Auctions.

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1. The 2nd party will work in Anonymous Auctions.

2. The 2nd party is not allowed to disclose information about what he sees in Anonymous Auctions (Non-Disclosure).
2.1. If the 2nd party does this, he will have to pay 500,000$ to the 1st party.

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3. The 2nd party's objectives must be for the best interest of the organization.

4. The 2nd party will be paid 2.5% of every sale he processes.
4.1. Definition of processing sale:
- Getting a seller.
- Putting up the auction.
- Getting a buyer.

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5. Anonymous Auctions will hire a solicitor (lawyer) on the 2nd party's demand, in case of the following:
5.1. Lawsuit related to Anonymous Auctions.
5.2. Lawsuit related to the 2nd party's reputation (slander and libel, mental distress, etc).

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6. The 2nd party is allowed to protest freely about the company, however, doing this will get him fired.
6.1. The 2nd party must not do crime while working for Anonymous Auctions. He will be fired if he does crime.

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7. Before a lawsuit is filed against the 2nd party, a warning must be made and it shall be used as evidence if a second offence occurs.
7.1. All discord DMs, messages sent through the Anonymous Auctions discord of phone calls can be used as evidence by

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either parties.
8. The 2nd party has the right to leave the company, without previous announcement, on these terms:
Points 2, 2.1, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 7.1 will still be on effect.

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Date of signing:
11th of September, 2019