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"B.G. Contract" by Prince_Ryann
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This contract states that while Prince_Ryann is on duty, protecting zackmasterflash, that anything he hears between zackmasterflash and whoever he is talking with, is to not be repeated. If it is repeated, zackmasterflash has
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full right to keep Prince_Ryann as a full-time personal bodyguard, with no pay. During this time of no pay, he will perform the same tasks as if he was getting paid. zackmasterflash can "suspend" him from his pay for any amount of time.
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Zackmasterflash also has full right to fire Prince_Ryann with no notice. If Prince_Ryann follows and does not break this contract, zackmasterflash has to give 1 week notice if he is going to fire Prince_Ryann.
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Signed on 5/12/2017:
X: ZackMasterFlash
X: Prince_Ryann