"Odd Day" by Vaquinux_

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"WAKE UP!" Yelled Frank. As I quickly sprung to my feet, covers all over my floor since I was under them, I yelled "What?" Then Frank got off my bed and said "Mom maid French Toast." Yes! I said with an enthusiastic
(totally spelled right) voice.

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As I ran downstairs to get my french toast I tripped over a stair and hit my head on the floor. As blood came spewing out of my forehead my mom cam screaming down the hall. I slowly got up and Frank called the amberlampz.

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Then I heard sirens and people yelling. A few minutes later I blacked out. I woke up in a hospital bed with food and water to the left. Then it happened. There was a big explosion. I didn't get out of bed since my head felt like crap. I reached over and

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grabbed my water then had a few sips before spitting it out. "ULCH" I said disgustedly and spit out the water. "Hmm" I thought to myself as I went to grab my food. It looked like a hot pocket. I hate hotpockets. So I didn't bother taking it.

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Then I heard a loud *THUMP*. And another *THUMP* the thumps got louder *THUMP* and *THUMP* louder. *THUMP* They sounded like REALLY loud footsteps. Then I heard choking noises and a *THUMP*. I then slowly got out of bed, holding my head since it was in

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an extremely large amount of pain. Then I climbed under the bed to hide. Then I heard the door get kicked open. And a flashbang was tossed through the door. I was blinded for a few seconds but they didn't see me under the bed. As 2 big men walked around

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the room one tipped over the table and took the Hot Pocket. "MMMMMM Hat Packetz!" one of them yelled. Then they both left the room looking rather unsatisfied. When I was sure they were gone I slowly crawled out of my bed holding my head with one hand.

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Then I stuck my head out the door to make sure the hall was clear. I took a left turn and slowly walked down the hall holding on to the railing for disabled people. I made my way over to the door and opened the door. I shielded my eyes from the sun while

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still managing to hold my head. Then I slowly walked out and followed the sidewalk to look for the nearest police station. Surprisingly there was no one on the streets. As I kept walking I heard another explosion from the hospital about 4 blocks over.

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So I just kept walking. I tried to walk a little faster but I hurt my head from all the rocking of my feet moving. Then I finally found a police station. I went inside to talk to one of the officers. But no one was there. So I looked for a phone. There

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was a smartphone on the desk but it needed a password, so I left it. I walked around the building to find an old fashion telephone with the wire cut. "My Luck..." I murmured to myself. Then I looked for the armoury. I found it but no weapons. Just an old

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bullet-proof vest and some bandages. I wrapped the bandages around my head to put pressure on it so I didn't have to keep my hands on it. Then I found a used baton so I picked it up. I looked around for something to carry things in, but nothing was around

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No one was around either, which seemed odd. So I walked out of the police station looking for a house I could live in, or maybe a supermarket. Then I found an appartment building. I opened the do- *BANG* I fell to the floor and grabbed my leg trying to

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make the bleeding stop. Then I looked up to see Frank, my own brother, holding a M1911 Colt in his hand. Then I large shadowy figure appeared behind him. The figure grabbed him and stabbed him. "NOO!" I yelled as Frank fell to the floor. I tried

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to the door to escape. As I crawled toward the door... *BANG* I was shot in the hand. Then he walked over and stepped on my hand. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-kk" I tried to hold it in because my mom always said people who cursed weren't nice people.

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He stepped on my boot harder, enhancing the pressure. Then, *BANG* I was shot between the eyes. Then my head hit the ground with a loud *THUD*. I had just died, maybe. A few minutes later I woke up in my room, then my brother, Frank busted through the

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door yelling "WAKE UP!" Then I starded at him as he looked at me then ran down the hall with his megaphone in hand. Then I got out of bed and went downstairs. I walked over to my mom and said my good-mornings and gave her a hug. Then I went on the table

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and grabbed a breakfast burrito. I grabbed my backpack and started eating my burrito. Then I grabbed my lunch and waved goodbye as I walked out the door. Then my friend Salvatore walked up to me. He then pulled out a scalpel and then pointed it at me.

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I backed away slowly. Then he said "Look what I got from the science convention!" "Ohhh you weren't going to stab me, ok." I replied. Then we walked to school. When we got there we had to buzz ourselves in through the microphone button on the door since

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we both got up late. Then we heard screaming and a glass hitting the floor *SMASH* Then we heard some liquid drop to the floor and a loud *THUMP* Then-

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