"The Rainy Day" by SytherTyler

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Rain, thunder, lightning and clouds are all signs of a gloomy day. Sunny days put a smile on most of our faces, but a gloomy day can turn that smile upside down. But for some a sunny day can just put glare in your eyes. And for some a gloomy day is the

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nicest day there is! Timothy was one of those people, a sunny day was a bad day, but a gloomy one was a joyful day. Timothy loved the feel of being able to have your eyes wide open on a rainy day, it felt way more confortable than squinting on a sunny

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day. He also enjoyed the feel of drips hitting his rain coat. Timothy would frollick in the rain puddles but his mom would scold him for getting his pants all muddy and wet. For him it was a game, for his mother it was a chore since she was the one tasked

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to clean it. One day he told his mom he was going outside, once again, to play in the rain. Even though she hated cleaning his pants it was better than slaving infront of a computer. He walked back and forth down his street in the water, he was happy.

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Outside in the rain it was like being in a diverent universe, he could do what he wanted when he wanted. But one day that all got taken away from him, when he was caught in the crossfire between a wanted criminal and the police. He was shot in the lower

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abdomen and never fully recovered. There would always be a scar there, but it wasn't just the physical scars, it was the mental ones to. He developped severe post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. The once heavenly rain was now more like hell.

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He never went out anywhere on a gloomy day, ever again.