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"How to Make $$$$" by arisalanna
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Ever wanted to make a lot of money fast? There are several options. I will describe many of them here. First you want to make 1,000 dollars. To achieve that, go to page 3. Then you wnat to make a business. To do that go to page 2.
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How to make a business:
once you have 1000 dollars, type the following command:
/business create propietoryship [Business Name].
Fill business name with whatever.
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How to get 1000 dollars:
Have the citizen job. You will earn $70 every 30 minutes. Everytime you get payed, go to the bank and use the ATM. Don't buy anything till you make the business.
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What to do after you make the business:
Every time you earn money, type /business deposit [Money Amount]. When you need money back type /business withdraw [Money Amount]. Use your current money to save for a house. You can also save 15000 dollars
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for a car. Use those tactics on page 3. Other tactics iclude robbing the bank (call me if you need help), you can make a shop which is in my book called Shops, and you can go to the wild and kill mobs for money.
That is all!