"Ekalsren" by gintanam3

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The terrifying scream of a little girl pierced the silent and dark night sky. At that moment Alex knew that his city was under attack. Grabbing his shining silver sword he ran towards the sound of battle as more horrific screams filled the air.

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Running out of the claustrophobic walls and dark shadows he burst out of the city gates. Death. Destruction. Pain. His eyes took in the slaughter and with an enraging cry he ran towards three horrific orcs. He approached three orcs and slammed his blade

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into the back of the tough skin. The skin was harder than he expected, but with all his might he pushed deeper until he heard blood gurgling out of the orcs dreadful mouth. The other two looked back at Alex and instantly attacked him with brutal force.

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They were strong. In this world no one was as strong as orcs. They are known for their raw strength and power, but with skill and speed you could over come the hulking figures. Handling his sword with a sort of expertise Alex got off the defensive and

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went straight for the affense. In a fury of slashes Alex suprised the ugly orcs forcing them back. Alex smacked the one on the left with the hilt of his blade and turned to the mass of flesh and muscle on his right thrusting his blade down its throat.

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Alex attempted to pull his sword out from the orcs throat, but to no avail. His sword was stuck. Panicking. Alex looked behind him just to find a towering and very angry orc raising a huge fist at his face. Alex instantly rolled to the left as the orcs

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fist landed into his own dead comrade shattering the dead orcs skull into pieces. The orc rose back up with blood and brains on his one hand and a clenched fist in the other. The orc charged Alex. All he knew to do was run and that is exactyl what he did.

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Alex knew he couldn't run forever. So he turned around to face the dreadful creature. Sweat covered his skin with a slimey coating. The air was warm and his open wounds started stinging. Alex thought and thought and finnally. He came up with an idea.

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The only thing that he can do against the beast... magic. He only knew one spell and he isnt the best of wizards, but he had to do it. As he ran towards the beast Alex mumbled under his ragged breath "da.. mihi..." He felt the powerful magic rising in his

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soul "potestatem deus.. mortis" he mumbled. His vision was failing him. His legs were tiring... and the orc was getting closer. "stat autem..." the magic inside him was now a raging flame. Unstable and uncontrolable. He knew that magic was a hard thing

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to master... and he was everything but a master. "In omnem" his vision was now a hazy white. All he saw was colors. All he felt was the burning magic inside him grow bigger and bigger... and with one last word it all faded away. "VIAM!" Holding his hands

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forward a powerful blast of fire and electricity escaped his palm and into the heart of the very beast knocking it down to his feet. He did it... he killed the orc, but his life. His life was dwindling and the darkness embraced Alex with a cold and deadly

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