"The Tunnels" by Enderhorse1

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The Tunnels of Doom By Enderhorse1

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There's a place in town no one ever visits. It's not because people think its cursed or something like that, its because nobody ever went there. An unexplored region, too dark for any humans to see without the aid of unatural light. Because nobody had

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ever visited this location, rumors have begun to arise that the place is indeed cursed. But, a group of adventurers decided to put an end to these rumors and go explore the location themselves. Although they themselves had never went anywhere near the

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location, they were eager to go and put a stop to the rumors. So, one day they walked to the unvisited place, thinking that they could put a stop to the rumors, once and for all. They had no idea what was in store for them. When they had finally reached

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the area of concern, they saw that nobody was even there. Well, after all, they hadn't told anyone they were visiting this place. But, it seems as the closer they got to this location, the less people they saw, until it was just the three of them. The

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three adventurers saw that the entrance to this place was through a tunnel. The three adventurers looked at one another, and nodded, as if they all knew what they were going to do; and they did. Slowly, they walked into the tunnel. It was very dark, and

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once they went in a few yards, they could barely see their own hand in front of their face. The floor of the tunnel was wet, but the stone was not slippery. As they continued to walk, the tunnel got smalled and smaller, until they had to walk single-file.

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Then, they had to crouch. Then, they had to walk on their hands and knees. When the three adventurers were thinking about turning back, the tunnel went in two directions. One way, was lit up with lots of light, but the other way was completely dark, like

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the tunnel. The adventurer closest to the two tunnels started crawling to the left tunnel, the lit-up one. He was thinking that light would help them a lot. So, the other two adventurers followed him towards the light. The tunnel started to open

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up and they were able to stand up again. Sadly, these three adventurers did not know that the path they just took would make it 150% harder to leave the tunnels.

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Part 2 Is Coming Out Soon :D