"THE HOUNTED CABI" by Maddie_Is_Boss

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this book was written by me in real life so this isent coppy right because its mine and if someone trys to coppy it though they will get in trobble in real life.so good luck to people that try that.

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Finally it was the summer holidays, I've been waiting for it...well ever since the school year started. Just then Leo my best friend came up to me mumbiling some stuff about Jeffrey a guy he hates. "Leo calm down and tell me what your talking

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he looked at me and said "No it's not only Jeffrey, it's my parents too this time. there making me go to his party.
"What ! , why?" I asked he roled his eyes at me and said "some how he managed to find out were i live, and told my parents

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that he was one of my friends from school.
and my parents told me to go to his party this weekend."

"Alec,Leo wait up"a girly voice shouted across the street.

It was leo's sister Jenna. she is the defanition of girly girl, and Leo said

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that she likes me but i don't care, she's too young for me, and i will never like her in that way. (ps this is not a romance book)

On her way towards us she triped on a rock and all her stuff fell out from her bag

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and on to the floor.
Leo and i were trying not to smile, that was so Jenna to do that sort of thing.

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Mom hurry up, we have to get on the bus now before it leaves us here, And then we won't be able to go to camp." Jeffrey said.

we were at Jeffrey's house and his mom was'nt going to let us go with out suncream

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and i really don't know why, after all we were in England, And not to mention it was raining really hard.

"oh for goodness sake dude just bring the sun-cream, And then we could all finaly go." a person whos name i think was Ryan said.

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Finaly Jeffrey got the sun-cream off his mom and we were off to camp.


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we arived at camp, and boy was it packed with boys of all ages, well sorta the age limil was 15 and we we're 11.

"welcome to camppoos boys!" our camp gide said.

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we all started to laugh at what he called the camp.

After a long speach that we had to listen to, we finaly got to eat, me and Leo heve been hungry for hours.

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sorry but that is it for part one of this book if you liked it plz mail me and ask for book two. thanks for reading this book and remember this book is coppy right that is why i needed to make two parts hope you understand that bye

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BY; Maddie_Is_Boss