"Call for Action" by Andrew2001lb

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness, these are the three natural rights that all of as as human being are entitled to, no matter what political opinion. Many people have confused society with government for many years too much. For society is

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created from our desires, and governmet from our evil. Society promoting our hapiness positively, and government demoting our wickedness negatively. Society a patron, and government a punisher. Government was formed as a neccasary evil, to

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make each individual to give something up, and the people a a whole get protection and guidance from the government. Although we must not forget that we as a people, are not controlled by the government. Instead we are merely limited by it and we as a

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people must remember that we are the government. It is our responsibility as the people to not turn our backs to the government and neglect it, but instead to correct it. For what is a government to protect the people if it is not for the people.

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In this pamphlet I request for action from the people to become more interested and involved in not only themselves, but also in the people's government. We as a people should question and further develop the government. We as the people should take

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responsibility for the way we are governed. For we the people, are the government.

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Pamphlet edited