"The Post 11/2/18" by Gabut

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The Post
November 2
---------------- Welcome to The Post News! Today, November 2nd we have some important news. First up in the news, I would like to talk about the new representatives. You may know who

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they are but if you don't, here they are! In first place, FracturedGhast7, next is ShaneOrphan, then Yihm (who sadly resigned), iSkywars, Grim__, and finally Fancy_Man_. Congratulations to all of these amazing representatives. I am very excited to see

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what they will do while in office. Also, congratulations to Wolfiez who now holds the title of Warlord. Make sure to congratulate all of these people when you see them, if you have not already. Next up, in the news, I sat down and had a nice little

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interview with one of our new representatives, iSkywars! Let's see what he had to say.
Me: So, what are you planning to do to make Viridis a better place?

iSkywars: I plan to listen to the people and to listen to EVERY single word

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that they say. I really want to connect with them and hear what they have to say. After all, that is what a representative should do.

Me: Alright, next question. What are your opinions about The Post?

iSkywars: I think

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that your company can go very far and that The Post will be very successful.

Me: Why thank you sir, that really means a lot. Alrighty, you seem very busy so I will let you get back to your important tasks. Have a wonderful day!

iSkywars: You too,

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it was such a pleasure to come here and answer some of your questions.
Alright guys, that was a nice little interview with the man himself, iSkywars. If you guys would like for me to interview you, drop me a call.

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Before I end off The Post's first EVER newspaper, it is time for the joke of the day!
------------------- Joke Of The

One time I farted in an Apple store. Not my fault they don't have Windows.

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Have a wonderful day, and this has been The Post!