"True Colors" by SamaSweetKitty

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Back when I was young, my life was short and simple- simple as ever. . . .

Until one day, something occured me, I got an unpredictable illness. After the illness, I became blind.

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"SweetHeart! time to wake up, first day in second grade!" My granny was calling from downstairs.

Yes, even though I am
blind I still go to school, where mostly
"Laid off" right now, or should I say granny is.

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I feel like my life is just typical and get's
more normal each day. My parents died after 2 years of my sickness. I knew it, I just new it, I said to myself carefully getting ready for the mourning, My life is just blankness,dark-
Just like my brain.

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But, I do have a gift, a gift of loving to draw, even though I can't see it, I still picture it in my mind beautiful,

It is a gift- well I'm not exactly sure because when I was four, I drew a picture Of a siamese cat, and When I showed granny, she was

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like, Oh, darling It's marvelous you do have a gift!

She was either trying not to be rude, because it's you're own child or it really
was a gift- I'll have proof today in school.

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I walked to school with my cane I love!! I can't really see it though.
"Class, we have a new student!" the teacher said, "she is well, blind but she has a wonderful gift"! Oh.. maybe I do have a gift. "I showed the class my Lilac and Peony flowers I drew

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over the summer.

"Haha! what is that thing?" one boy said.

" I don't know, a mental Princess (not) pretty
Giraffe?!" all the kids we're screaming out hatred of me. I dropped my paper, and ran out of the classroom.

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I ran into a water fountain, since I forgot my cane, I felt
vibrations and noises around me, " Hey! Mitchell! Look at this blind piece of crap! haha!" They grabbed me by the throat I couldn't breathe. . .

Help, Oh lord, Help.

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They left me wounded
and bloody on the floor. No one cared and the teacher came up and said. "Ugh, this piece of Freakin' crap! no one cared for you're talent!" She kicked me, I was dying... I think Maybe they where jealous? What?! How can they be

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jealous of a pathetic blind girl like me?!

I was in heaven now, atleast I could see again, light filled the heavens, I wanted to still be on Earth and have a life, I wanted to be strong, I had courage, I did

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I had a gift, drawing

and atleast for it,

I had my true colors....

The End