"VP Announcement" by AlexGLife

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Public Announcement of the Vommunist Party:

After a brief period of superficial Democracy the Vinish Nation has returned to its old, dictatorial practices. Unelected Presidents, appoint corrupt Cabinet members who rule us

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without the people having any say about it. Nobody holds them accountable. Nobody checks them.

This authoritarian stance will not be accepted by us, the citizens of Vindex who care about their freedoms and their rights. We will not allow anyone to

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rule us, if we have not chosen them ourselves. We will fight back, cause we are many and they are few.

Democratic people of Vindex awaken! This is a Dictatorship! Join our ranks and fight for Democracy, Freedom and Equality.

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Be the change you want to see. Do not let them feed you lies and hatred. Do not let them chain you!

Join the Vommunist Party.
