"Training Log #1" by LeahDiane

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Training - feb 5 2017
karate and thea
Zibbs - ontime
Pat - on time
Bumi - on time
Boogie - on time
Ellie - on time
Guest - on time

5 laps - gucci

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Guest - 43 seconds
Boogie -43 seconds
Chris - 2 minutes 30
Bumi - 39 seconds
Moose - 47 seconds
Vaughniee - 50 seconds

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Teamwork activity
Team parkour, each person would do an jump and the person behind them would jump forming a line. This taught patience and teamwork as if one person fell they would start over causing them to be cautious and self aware.

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After this activity Vaughniee and Boogie had to leave so I decided to end training there but I made sure that the sailors knew the importance of the lesson of that training, which is teamwork. They all did a great job and worked together with positive

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attitudes. Overall a great trainin

-Ensign LeahDiane

(Originally was hosted by Thea and Patrick but they had to leave so I took over)