"Rec Volunteers" by LilTayy

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&LRecreation Center

&LThe Recreation
&LCenter is
&Lcommunity service.
&LThe following page
&Lwill list the current &Lthings you can
&Lvolunteer for.
&L&4NOTE: No pay.

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&LVolunteer Work

&LWaste Disposal
This job consists of emptying the dumpsters that are assigned to you. You will take the trash to the "landfill" which is just a room of chests, where people can still pick for goods.

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&LLife Guarding

It is asked that you are an EMS or have experience as one for this position. All you need to do is sit on the life guard stand when their are swimmers. Make sure to keep an eye on their breathing activity.

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&LSoup Kitchen

As a Soup Kitchen volunteer you are to give those who ask for a meal, 1 soup, and a chosen side of carrots or potatoes.
Remember to direct everyone to water machines.

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&LMusic Instructor

This position is OPTIONAL, and not by any means, important. Anyone can volunteer, you just hold a class when you are available to work with a group to make music using provided instruments.

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&LBoxing Supervisor

Anyone can volunteer. With this position you are to make sure the boxing rules are followed, and nobody gets injured.