"Pent attack." by Dez_Shephard

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First of all you want to make sure everyone is aware that the pent is under attack and you will need to think fast about what to do.

1. You want to make sure you have food, water, ammo, guns and armor.

2. You want to have a plane or heli handy

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so you have a way to get there safely.

3. Tell all the sailors online to come to the airfield ASAP and get to the pent as fast as you can.

4. Have some sailors go inside the pent and make sure they are not inside and if they are kill them (with a

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M16 or sniper). Have about 2/6 of the sailors online do this.

5. Have 2/6 of the sailors protect the outside of the pent and kill the rebels as you see them walking around and make sure they do not get inside.

NOTE: Always use a M16 or sniper to kill

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them, if they are close to you using a sword may be helpful too.

6. Then have the last 2 sailors fly around the pent and make sure none of them come in with a plane. Land on a roof to kill them if you see them in the air (Sniper is the best for this). To

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land the plane on a roof do not drop at a straight drop, drop slowly (make sure who ever is attacking does not see you landing on the roof and if they do fly up and down and make turns until they do not see you and if they do fly higher). If someone flyin

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starts to shoot at you inform the sailors in /mb that someone is shooting and do this quickly and make sure you do not crash.

7. After all the rebels or who ever is attacking is dead stay around for about 5-10 minutes to make sure they dont come back

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after NLR ends. Walk around and make sure none of them are hiding around the pent and when you are 100% sure that they are all gone inform everyone in /mb that they are all dead but keep an eye out still (Rebels can be really sneaky). If you die during

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this make sure you inform everyone in /mb that you have died. ALWAYS come back after NLR ends.

After all this is done and they are all gone and you know they wont be coming back. Tell everyone in /mb that the pent is now clear and no longer under

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