""Natalie" Book 1" by Lufmeu

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Chapter One~

It was a whisp, crunchy feeling night, the vast wind lightly pinched Katelyn's arms, as she lay there, blankly staring at her bedroom ceiling, the window was cracked a little, so a breeze flew through the room.

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Katelyn couldn't sleep, she had a feeling the new house she was going to move into tommorow would feel strange.. not the normal strange you feel when you move, but a strange horror, like... the house was haunted, she'd already seen the house before, so

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Katelyn insisted it was going to be haunted. She felt a light shine, as the door opened. Afraid, she hid under the covers, her head peeking out a jar to see who stood between the door frame, a sweet voice comforted her as she spoke.

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"Don't worry sweetie, it's just mommy." Her Mother said in a tender voice. "But Mommy! I'm only eight, how can you NOT expect to me to be scared? Look how mysterious it looks out tonight." Katelyn said, sympathetically.
Her Mother laughed at the fact.

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"No honey, monsters don't exsist.. but... ..Ghosts do, b-but! There is a sign of 0 ghosts around us." her mother said, in different tones. "O-okay.. I trust you mommy." Katelyn said, not so sure if she could. Her mom walked over to her window, closed the

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window, so no "monsters" could come inside. She bent down to give her daughter a kiss, then headed out. Katelyn eventually fell asleep, awaiting for dawn to crack first thing in the morning,they we're getting up early to move the next day.

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Chapter Two~

Katelyn woke up, rubbed her eyes, and sprung out of bed with a jittery feel, she couldn't decide if she was excited to move, or scared to move, she opened up her wooden dresser, she put on her snowy white socks,

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that went up to her ankles, her pink dress shoes, and white pastel pants, followed lastly by her Pale pink overalls, she put her hair in a bun, leaving two strains of hair out in the front - She always thought it was cute, and headed downstairs for

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breakfast. She sat at the table, with her father and older brother, John. John looked like he was busy reading his comics full of excitement. "WOW! *BANG!* Superman and Wonderwomen work out as a great team!" John said full of excitement.

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Dad swooshed his newspaper, to get the wrinkles out, and then he turned to John. "Ya know, back in my day, we used to play Kick The Can, like all the time." Dad said with a weak smile, he was tired since he was writing papers all last night. "Ughh, nobody

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plays that stupid game anymore!" John and Katelyn both said, groaning, just at that said, Mom came over with Warm, soft pancakes, creamy homemade butter, and Chocolate Milk for John and Katelyn.
Mom sighed with relaxation, after she put the plates

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down, she looked at the calendar to check off today's date. "May 19, 1973.. and it's nice weather out today, isn't it Aaron?" "It sure is, Beth" Dad said with a smile. Until that peaceful chirping of the birds outside was ruined by John's big, loud, burp.

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Everyone glared at John, John spoke up. "Whhhaaattt?? This milk is tasty!" John said, with a nervous laugh. "..John, don't do that, you're turning 12 in December." His mother said, annoyed. "Well, you kids start packing up all of your things in your rooms

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John and Katelyn's parents both said when they all finished their breakfast. "My friend, Eric is coming over to help me with the furniture, and--"
Dad was cut off by John's excited voice. "I-is he bringing that Hot-ass chick?!... What's her name.. ..Sarah

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..?" John said, until Mom came over to slap him with a towel. "Y-YES HE IS BRINGING HER OVER, BUT YOUNG, MATURE MEN SHOULD USE SUCH VIOLENT, INAPROPRIATE LANGUAGE LIKE THAT!" Mom said, shouting at him. "Pfft,.. s-sorry.."

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John said, innocently.. Katelyn snickered a little as she walked up the stairs, John headed up too, and they both packed their things up.

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Chapter 3~

After an hour, John and Katelyn came down the steps, with loads of bags they each carried down, with uncomfort one by one.. "That's a tremendous amount of bags you got there, kiddo!" Eric said, with excitement.

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Eric kindly helped Katelyn and John carry down the bags, while Aaron took down tiny pieces of furniture, and put them in the moving truck, while Beth and Sarah got items, to put in the car driving to the new house, John perked up, and saw.. His Future

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Wife.. He ran over to her, she flipped her honey-golden hair, and her Sea blue eyes daringly looked into his, she smiled at him. "Why, hello John." She said with a pretty smile, he drooled, and hung over, and couldn't stop daydreaming while looking ather.

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"..Y-your words are sophisticated, a-and sexy at the same time.. and I LIKE IT.." John said, giving her a glee smile, Mom with shock, came over to him and slapped John again.. "JOHN JOSEPH MILLER! YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO A YOUNG LADY IN THAT TONE OF MATTER!"

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Mom said, shrieking at him, Mom turned to Sarah, and pitfully put one hand on her shoulder, looking at Sarah in the eyes. "H-honey, I am SO So sorry for my Son's behavior." Mom said, in a sorry tone, then she forced John to go back to helping Katelyn with

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the bags, they all eventually, after 3 long hours of moving, and shifting, and everything! To move out of that, simple little house. Everyone rushingly got into the car, Katelyn stood on top of the hill, in front of the house, since the house slanted

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downward, she took one last stare at it, she had flashbacks of when she was a baby, all those long-lasting memories, the sun shined through her eyes. "C'MON! KATELYNNN LET'S GO!" John shouted rushingly at her, she snapped out of her daydreaming.

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"..Right," She said, blankly, then got into the car. She started to think:
"Was it good moving out? I'm still having chances of the new house being haunted, it even looks that way"
Until she closed her eyes, and made a small, short

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promise.. "If the new house I move into is haunted, and no one listens, It won't be my fault if they die.. or anything, because I warned them." Katelyn promised thinkning, she then opened her eyes, and gazed out the window, the caride seemed peaceful.

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