"Detective Guide" by EssieOrphan

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Detective Guide

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Chain Of Command

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Chain Of Command

The chain of command is listed below:

President <POVN>
Attorney General <AG>
Police Chief
Head Detective <Col.>
Senior Detective <Lie.>
Detective <Sgt.>
Jr. Detective <Cor.>

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The Criminal Investigation Department is split into two departments. The Forensic Department and the Anti-Crime Unit.

The Forensic Department is incharge of investigating bodies and finding out the killer, the weapon

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used and the time of the murder. After this information is gathered they are required to log it.

Whereas the Anti-Crime Unit is the department which mainly focuses on investigations. They will be assigned cases through a spreadsheet as well as

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them being required to document there findings using a google document.

To be assigned into a department you will be required to contact the Head Detective or the Department leaders.

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Can a Detective assist in stopping a bank robbery? Yes.

Can a Detective do normal Uniform duties without MPR being active? Yes, however if a detective is needed to investigate a body that should be your priority.

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What is MPR? MPR stands for Minimum Police Rule which means if they're is less than four Uniform Police offices online which means members from the D.E.A and Secret Service may assist in normal Police duties.

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By EssieOrphan
Head Detective
Colonel Essie Taylor