"EVOLUTION" by AlexGLife

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=================== EVOLUTION
===================Sorry for any grammar mistakes i am not from England or America so I dotnt speak Native English

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Evolution is something that yet today questions many Scientinsts and Biologists. A Well known Biologist once said : "Nothing is intresting in Biology except if it is seen by the light of Evolution " . That man was none other than Dobjansky .

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Even thought many people believe that Darwin said we come from Apes thats a huge mistake . To understand what Darwin wrote in his book we have to look all the way back at Ancient Greece . Many philosophers at Ancient times tryed to understand how Humans

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appeared on this planet . At Ancient times all believed that spieces are created from inoranic mass .Event though they were wrong about it , they sent tons of other theories that helped Darwin at his theory .As a man Darwin wasnt very talented he failed

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becoming a doctor .But afterall he went a huge trip with some other scientinst .He didnt want to seem like he didnt do nothing all the trip so he took a picture of any animal he saw in his trip . After he finished the trip he saw all his pictures and

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spotted a simularity .That got him thinking that there is actually Evolution . At his time people were hardly believers of god , He believed in god too but after his notice he started thinking differently . So what Darwin wrote down his theory of

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Evolution . But what is Evolution you may ask yourselfs . I had the same question . I always believed in rumors that we come from APES . Well , thats kind of true but hold on ... if we come from apes then why apes still excist ?? they shouldn't excist

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because we took their place right ??
Exactly . So if we dont come from apes how do we excist ??
Well you see every spiece has Cell and all animal Cells have DNA. So when a Cell is devided it copies its excisting DNA so Both New Cells can have DNA

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While this process is happening there could be many mistakes . So lets say that a Female ape is pregnat , what would if there was A MUTATION while the cell of the new ape was dividing ??
The new born ape would be different maybe could have Red Fur ...

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So MUTATION is why spieces are Evolutioning .And before you start thinking Mistakes are not good , Mutation isnt neceserly good or bad .Darwin said about NATURAL CHOISE . Natural Choise is what judges if Mutation and overall the changes are good or bad ..

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For example ... Lets say there are some Bugs leaving in leafes and there are some birds Eating those bugs . Lets say the bugs are green so they are hard to spotted by Birds . But one day a MUTATION happens in a Bugs DNA and is now Orange ... Birds will

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eat more orange bugs than green cause their harder to be spotted . The fact that More Orange Bugs are dieing and soon they will DISTINCT is called NATURAL CHOISE !! So now you can kind of understand what evolution is all about. And How WE HUMANS were

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Created . So Thats what Darwin believed and wrote in his Theory . Evolution is hard to be spotted because it might take Years to happen .
Thanks for reading