"Status Checks" by Yazability

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> Status Checks:

Status checks are frequently done by supervisors to make sure no units are AFK.

Being AFK for longer than 5 minute is against our policy and will get you in big trouble, so please don't do it!

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When a supervisor conducts a status check, you will see a message similar to this one come across 911b:

"All units state your status. Failure to do so will result in a strike."

All officers must then immediately respond with their status. There

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There are 5 different codes to display your status:

10-5: NLR Issue (Use this code if you are dead)

10-6: Busy Unless Urgent (You need permission from a supervisor to go 10-6)

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10-7: Out of Service (You need permission from a supervisor to go 10-7)

10-8: In service

Simply respond with one of these codes to a status check, depending on your status, and you will be fine. Don't go 10-6 or

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10-7 without getting permission from a supervisor.

Supervisors are those with Sierra callsigns. For example, a callsign such as SY-00 is a sierra callsign since it beings with the letter S, which stands for sierra. Supervisors are also department

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leaders, such as the police chief and DEA director. Or sub-department leaders such as station sergeants, the SWAT commander, Head Detective or Chief Training Officer. Or Deputy Department Leaders such as the Deputy Police Chiefs.

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Chief Training Officer
Hank Jefferson