"new player book2" by fifteenninjas

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The new Player
Second Book

finfish was having a great day with pro_gamer they had a laph suddenly finfish realised he only needed a bit more money for a gun he jumped up from the chair did /bal just to check he wasnt crazy

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he wasnt crazy so then he did /money just to double check then he realised he had so much because time flies when your having fun pro_gamer wispered to him GG what does GG mean he said Pro looked back in suprise it means
Good Gamer

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lol did you make that up finfish said because Pro was called Pro_Gamer he thought it was a joke
nope he answerd what you mean nope finfish asked yep Pro said anyway they went to KFC to selebrate that he was gonna buy a gun soon 10mins whized passed

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and he realised he had enough money he did /warp guns unpatiently he couldnt even wait the 3 seconds he was to exited he dashed to the door started looking at all the guns he realised theres a new type a police gun can only be hold by police

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and it didnt charge him if he shot someone "i need that one finfish said pro can i burrow some of your money"
"2 reasons why im gonna say no im not the bank plus its only $100 more cmon lets do something fun while we wait for money KFC finfish

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demanded pro looked at him and said "we alwast go to KFC and you go like every 1min so how about the drugs bar" they went to drugs bar finfish didnt have any he was to worryed hed get arrested for having to much soon 20mins passed by Pro hadnt finished

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his beer but finfish was desprate to get it as soon as possible he dashed out of the mall typed
/warp guns dahed through the door there was a guy infront of him with headphones on he didnt look like police if he wasnt police it wont let him shoot it

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so he must be police finfish thought or maybe he just collects guns anyway wh was finfish thinking about a stranger he wanted a gun and fast it was his turn in the que when he got there the man said out of stock NOOOOO finfish screamed he desided

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to order one so when they come back they will have one for him to buy he did the order and sadly walked out Pro come to the door whats wrong he asked you got it didnt you?
"they were out of stock"finfish mumbled "but i orders a gun for when there in

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stock" he mumbled again Pro cheered him up bye walking round town finfish asked Pro what his job was Pro looked suprised that he didnt know HE WAS A SERGANT BASICLY A SOLDIER finfish thought it was a great job that reminded Pro His boss was gonna pay him

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more today Pro said if i want my money i need to go now you can with me and see my boss if you want his boss was the guy he bought the police gun he had a collection of guns Pro got payed they went of suddenly he got mail he read it the letter said your

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police gun is waiting YES finfish thought he did /warp guns one more time bought the gun and smiled happily :D

The moral of the story is be patient!!!