"Night Fall: 2" by Pink_Ninjas

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Night Fall: Chapter Two
''CARBON!'' her mom called from the kitchen. Oh the fright she got hearing the soothing yet terrifying yell of her mother. She ran to the kitchen to smell the sweet scent of bacon and eggs. ''How was your

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sleep?'' Asked Lila, Carbons mother. She hesitated ''Oh it was GREATT!'' Suprisingly her mother believed her. It was mid-summer, Carbon wasnt much of the outside type. She rather stay in her room alone searching the web. As hours past by of her exploring

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the near and far corners of the internet. She looked at the clock on her bedside table 12:00pm It read. She was exhausted so she put her computer on her desk and fell right asleep. She was in a glass container with what looks like a pipe connected to the

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bottom. Before she could even think water started pumping in. Gallon by gallon by gallon the glass container was filling up. She tried her hardest to break the glass, nothing worked. As she gasped for her last breath the glass broke and she was on a water

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slide down a long hallway. By this point she was screaming like hell. She landed in an enclosed room she was standing in the middle until she saw little black dots escaping from cracks in the walls. ''COCKROACHES'' She shouted at the top of her lungs they

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were about to reach her when the floor caved in. She fell down and down and down
she was about to reach the floor when she woke up.

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Part three coming soon!