"Halloween Punch" by ToastALaMode

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When I was 4 or 5, I was out trick or treating. I was dressed as a ninja. I liked candy, so I wanted to get the big candy bars that they give out in the rich towns. So I walked up to a house, and they had the decorations and everything. They had lights, a

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scarecrow sitting in a rocking chair. Inside, the lights were on and I could hear people talking. I walked up, and rang the doorbell. No one came to the door. So, I rang again. It seemed that was the cue for the teenager dressed like a scarecrow to jump

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up and scare me. As my mom, and my grandma had taught me, if a boy gets up in your face, punch him. So they guy jumped up, and yelled "Boo," and I punched him in the face. Now, I was traumatized, tears streaming down my face, and the guy's friends came

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out of the house, laughing. The friends gave me two jumbo candy bars, so the moral of the story, is if you ever get scared like that, punch them in the face.