"1-25-2016" by AlphaDisorder

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--- VN TIMES ---
JANUARY 25, 2016

Ezra James

Brandon Rubright

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Vindex was rocked by another wave of terrorism yesterday, which lead to the White House being placed on temporary lockdown.
An informant familiar with the situation (marcman17) stated heavy fighting ensued.

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The assailants were eventually subdued and the lockdown was lifted. No serious damage was reported as a result of the incident.

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Elections are coming in a few week's time. VN Times will be running special Citizen Spotlights to cover candidates in the race. We will also put together a special edition featuring biographies of all

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candidates and the platforms they're running on. If you are a local politician and would like to have a feature, please contact Head Editor Ezra James (AlphaDisorder).

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Local film director Brenann premiered another new trailer. While his films are often the talk of the town, for better or worse, this one seems to be met with mostly positive reviews.

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The film is actually a trailer promoting Vindex Nation. It features popular sights, and even some familiar faces. Hopes are high that the movie will help increase tourism and immigration into the nation.

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With Valentine's Day just around the corner love should be in the air. However it won't be on the streets of Vindex, at least so officials say.

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While relationships aren't explicitly outlawed, Secretary of State Guiness (guinessgeneral) warned citizens to avoid public displays of affection.

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Even simple actions such as kissing can be seen as violations of the nation's anti-perversion laws. Many see this as unnecessary or even cruel, but the law is said to protect citizens who are uncomfortable witnessing such acts.

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Singapore Brewery Co. Making Fine Beer and Golden Rum since 2015. Contact vProdigyy for prices and deals.

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Need to solve some cases? Come to asp4 at saloon. Private I Detective Agency.

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Anyone can have an Ad in the VN Times!

Ads are $50 per page per day.

Contact AlphaDisorder for more info!