"RDM Town" by LeahDiane

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He never thought a simple day could end like this. A simple day where he would have to defend himself in a world of ruthless criminals. A world without hope. This man is named Ryan and this is his story.

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Of course here I go again, the boss never has any sympathy for me. Working a 9 to 5 job at a book store can get just a bit boring and my pay doesn't exactly give me everything I want. But nevertheless, I listen to the radio and suck it up. It was a gloomy

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day with a slightly chilly wind as I drive home silently listening to the weather. Suddenly a message begins to play loudly over the station which shocks me out of my deep thoughts and daydreaming. It starts out calm an relaxing which almost causes me to

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go back to gazing out the window but the message starts to beep and get even louder as to say, "Hey You! Listen to me NOW". At this point I was making my way through downtown and getting very close into Seawall. I was excited to get home and enjoy a nice

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meal while relaxing in front of the television until the message got even louder to the point where it was all I could focus on. It clearly stated that anyone within Seawall must retreat to their homes and remain safe. How stupid could I have

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been? I was in front of the college not even realizing that this message was directed to people like me. Though, I didnt understand what the issue was. Everything looked fine besides the the streets which were empty besides me of course. I

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regret what I had just said a second later when I heard the faint sound of a gunshot in the distance. Sure Seawall wasn't known for having the best records of crime but it still startled me to the point where I could feel myself start to shake. I ran to

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the trunk of my car to grab my deagle (which I never thought I'd have to use), ran to the nearest house and attempted to go inside. Locked. Then the next house. Locked. I started to feel panic rising within me as I stood there in the street. Finally I

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looked back towards to entrance to downtown hoping to make my escape there. As soon as I looked the panic in me grew larger. A man was standing there, he had an iron blade pointed out of his hand towards an innocent and terrified looking woman. I stood

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there utterly horrified at the scene before me. The man lowered his knife to the womans throat while other criminals (perhaps his friends) gathered around cheering at the man and yelling encouragement to him. I looked away, not sure if I could gaze any

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longer. They had the city blocked off, ready to slaughter anyone that was inside. I ran to my car and and drove down the street, just trying to get away from that man while gunshots and screams of terror pour into my ears from every direction.

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I did not last 30 seconds driving in my car before I could see someone standing in the middle of the road with a thompson ready in their hand. I knew they could blast my car to shreds and in a second's notice I opened the door and jumped out, rolling on

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the hard ground below me until I finally haulted to a stop. The car kept going faster and faster due to the fact that I dropped something on the gas pedal. I stood up and grabbed my gun. The person jumped out of the cars way and landed on the ground. They

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desperately tried to grab for their gun but before they could reach, I took aim and shot.

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I slowly walked my way over to the person who was now laying lifelessly on the ground with a bullet wound in their chest. I took the thompson and noticed they had a suitcase. I opened it and took out its contents. It was filled with ammunition. Perfect.

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Finally after some time I walked further down the street. "Westhedge" I thought, "That's where I'll need to reach". I could now see Burger Palace in the distance and knew that if I could just walk a little more I would reach the bridge. That's when it all

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went downhill. Atleast 3 guys flooded out of Burger Palace. All of them carrying some sort of deadly weapon. One of them eating something that looked like french fires which I'd assume he stole from the restaurant. They all had stupid little smiles on

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their faces as they laughed and made shooting motions with their guns. This time I felt anger, pure anger fill me. They sat outside of the establishment as if challenging anyone to try and get in their way. I tried to stay hidden behind a tree while I

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thought of a plan on how I would get passed the criminals that stood in my way. Catching them by suprise and taking them out one by one? No, they would probably notice. Causing a distraction? That might work but it would be tough to pull off.

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Then I saw her. A girl who looked no older than 20 behind the restaurant. She had an angry kind of fire in her eyes as though these men stole her last cookie. She started to get closer to the men. I wanted to stop her. I wanted to yell out to her to stop

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before she got killed, but I could not. She had a shotgun in hand with a strong grip on it. She turned the corner and fired. One man dead. The other two stood there for a split second in shock. Then they took notice of the girl and immediately pulled out

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their weapons. I had no choice. I ran to her assistance with my thompson ready. The girl retreated around the corner as bullets flew all around her. As soon as I got in range I took out the man who was eating the fries. He fell to the ground with a thump.

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The girl got distracted by me running by and lost some of her focus. The guy started to pull the trigger and I knew I had to act now. I jumped with all of my energy and tackled him. We hit the ground hard and started to wrestle. He quickly pinned me on

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the ground and pulled out a small knife. Right when I thought my life was over, the man suddenly fell to his side. I looked to my side and saw the girl, her gun still pointed at the man. A wild and pained look in her eyes. I stood up at a loss for words

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trying to decide if I should run or thank her. Although I didn't have to do either because the girl gave me one last glance and ran.

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I kept moving. I could see the bridge in the distance. It was so close and for the first time during this whole experience, I finally felt hope. Until I got closer that is. Like I said before, they had all the exits blocked off and this one was no

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different. There were atleast 8 of them. Although some of them seemed to be arguing amongst themselves. Of course they were fighting, that's all these kind of people ever do is fight. It was total chaos. Criminals were fighting criminals and a few brave

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cops were trying to create order in all of the madness. Bullets were flying in every direction. Swat members were holding their shields up high trying to take as little damage as they can. Getting through them would mean saftey but it almost seemed

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impossible. I moved closer only to find myself in more danger. three RDMers didn't seem to care who they hit as long as there was death. One swat member was in a tight battle with a criminal. A swat member was shot and fell off of the building where he

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was shooting from. I quickly took his sniper and retreated to a safe distance. I loaded the gun and took aim. There was a sniper on a roof to the right of me. Sadly he noticed me first and fired. My heart was beating faster than the bullet traveled and

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it missed me by no more than an inch. I pointed the sniper at his head as he prepared his next shot. I prayed I would not mess up as it could be the mistake to cost my life. Then, I took the shot. Dead. I prepared another shot. A man with a hunting rifle

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was now taking notice of my presence. He was quicker than I realized and I was only able to move most of my body behind the nearest tree as he moved closer. He took out a python and shot like a crazy man. He managed to hit my shoulder. I could feel the

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pain throbbing in me. He was now ten feet away from me. I grabbed a knife I was able to grab from the swat and turned to face my foe. He didn't seem to expect this as he stumbled and tripped. he reached for a knife of his own but I made a swift movement

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stabbed him before any other damage would be done. I momentarily forgot about the battle going on in front of me. Any police that were left were bravely trying to help the situation but they were gravely outnumbered. My only chance was that some of the

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criminals were fighting each other. Perhaps some were vigilantes? It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting across the bridge. That's when I noticed a car to the far left of me that was left wide open. Much of the battle had moved off of the bridge

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and onto the street. If I could simpily drive through part of the madness and onto the bridge, this would all be over. I took out a large bandage and wrapped it around my wound. I then staggered over to the car. I got in and looked at where I could

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drive that would allow me onto the bridge without getting shot. I noticed a slim yet possible passageway that I could maybe, just maybe make it through. I stepped on the gas and the car obeyed. I made a sharp turn and entered the bridge. Only a few faces

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turned in my direction. I was almost free. I would be able to get home safely. For the first time all day I smiled. Then, it almost seemed as if everything was in slow motion. A bullet penetrated the windshield and it shattered. Thick piece of glass

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pierced my skin. The car swerved to the side and off the bridge. I could feel the life drain out of me. I could feel the pain rise within me. I could feel everything, fear, anger, and shock until nothing was left.

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------------------- The End