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"To my successor" by StampyFun_
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Dear Congressmember
After holding this office for as long as the offices have been opened (After they were closed) This office now belongs to you! I'd like to pass on some of my experiences and advice so you'll be one of the greatest congressmen.
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1: Say what you believe and stick with it, it's much better to have a controversial opinion and stick with it than change it because people disagree with you.
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2: Don't be afraid to openly voice your opinions, I got where I am because of my opinions, and you can get far if you speak yours.
P.S. keep open letters formal, if it's an informal mess, it looks immature and unorganized.
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3: Even when other political parties are in control, you have control, they need your vote to pass overrides or anything else that requires a 100% vote, so don't let them scare you into doing what they want, YOU have the leverage.
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And finally, 4:
Don't be afraid to take lower ranked positions if you're better suited for that one, if you're (for example) offered VP and AG, but you're a better fit for AG, go with AG, it's better to be happy in your job than powerful in your job.
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I wish you the best of luck in your time in congress, also, don't listen to people saying you've "been in congress too long" that just means you're more dedicated than they'll ever be. :)
~Congressman James T. Atwood