"Zombie Assault" by Enderhorse1

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I unsheathed my sword, the blade reflecting the bright sunlight. I haven't used this weapon since I fought in the war against the zombies. I used to be a knight, a very honorable position. I was given land, and wealth. I was guarded every minute of the

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day by those whom the king appoints. A small war had recently started in the upper part of the kingdom. That upper part bordered many zombie-infested territories. I observed my sword for quite a while, then placed it back into my sheath. I went over to my

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door, and notified the guards that I was leaving. They nodded, and I went over to the bar where I usually go in the afternoon. My two friends who fought in the previous war with me were there, talking about the current one. While I was walking inside, I

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heard a man to the left of me say, "There is no doubt that those zombies are going to creep their way down the entire kingdom!" he exclaimed, then took a long drink out of his glass. I saw my friends in the corner, and made my way over to them. The look

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on their face was serious. "What's the matter?" I asked. "What happened?". "The zombies made it past the wall," one of them said. "The king has sent more knights and foot-soldiers over to upper part of the kingdom, but I doubt it'll do any good. They have

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a new leader. Don't know what he'll do, who he even is". He glanced over to the person on the right of him. "This guy is one of the king's guards. He overheard his king sounding... worried." I looked to my other friend. "Do you know anything about this?"

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I demanded. "Not any more than you do," he replied simply. "People think the king is protecting us from the truth, what is really going on. I think it does us no good." He reached forward for his glass, taking drinking the last of it and standing up. The

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people on either side of him stood up as well, and they walked out of the bar. The bartender walked over to me. "I'll just take some water," I said. He got a jug of water and a glass, and filled it up. "Here you go, sir," he said. "That'll be ten dollars"

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I handed him the money, drank quickly, and got up and went out of the bar. I decided to go to the king directly to find out what he has been hiding from the entire kingdom. As I walked toward the castle, a guard hold out his hand in front of me. "Sir, I'm

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sorry, but you can't go any further. King's orders." Suspicious, I thought. Very suspicious. I needed to find out what is happening before what others are dreading occurs. I stand still, then begin walking back toward the castle.

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When the guard was looking the other way, I ran over and hid behind a bush. I then ran fast over on the far side of the wall. I hid behind there, and overheard small parts of what I take as the king's conversation. "Invading... down from the upper side...

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preperation needed... no warning... public worry." I heard as much as I needed. I slowly made my way back to my house, greeted the current guards, and jumped into my bed. Hopefully I would be safe for the night. Now, I don't even know if some zombie won't

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kill me in my sleep. With these thoughts, I drifted off into sleep, hoping to be refreshed when I awoke.

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I woke up to the sound of shouts and screams. I scrambled out of bed and ran over to my guards. One of them was on the ground, bleeding. "What's going on?" I demanded. "Uhh, zombies sir. They are storming all over the city. The king suggests you move

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south". "South," I said. "Very well. Let me just patch this guy up and then we'll go." I ran over to my drawer that stored medical supplies and got a thick cloth to put over the bleeding guard's leg. Good thing this wasn't deep. "This'll work for now."

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when I was finished. We began to run very fast to the southernmost gate, which led to a highly-protected part of this kingdom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw ten men holding back an entire hoard of zombies. "Look out, guys," I said. "They're all over".

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We continued running until we reached the gate. The gatekeeper allowed us to go through, but then a zombie went behind him and cut him in the arm with its claws. The man turned into one of them two seconds later. "Come on!" I shouted at my group. "We have

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to get out of this place if we want any chance of surviving." We began to run onto the path, three zombies on our trail. We quickly outran them, and began to move with less haste. "We got to move across this path, and into the southern part of the kingdom

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within the month," said one of the guards. "Otherwise, zombies will have already reached that point and we would be stuck outside the wall." Days passed. We go to unprotected villages that were already attacked, and find food that we can eat. One day,

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while we were sleeping, and I was on guard, a zombie jumped up from behind me and killed one of the guards. I awakened the other and we began to try to kill it. The zombie was resilient, though, and only came down to the ground after about eight hits to

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the chest. "You okay?" I asked to the surviving guard. "Yeah, I think so," he responded. "Let's go." That's weird, I thought. The guard who was cut did not turn into a zombie. "Maybe only certain ones transform their victims," I said.

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We continued moving along the path, looking left and right, making sure no zombies were either way. After what seemed like years of walking, we finally saw the southern castle in the distance. "Almost there," I said. "We have to move silently." We went to

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sleep minutes later, and were not disturbed. When we awoke, we saw about ten zombies walking towards us. "Zombies..." I said. "Run!" I said while shaking the guard awake. "Run!". We collected all our gear and started running down the hill that led to the

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castle, zombies right behind us. Two more came out from behind a crumbled house, almost slashing me across the leg. "They are coming from all sides!" I screamed. "Keep on running, and don't look back!". We kept running, but then my foot hit a rock and I

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flipped over, dazed. I heard the zombies' footsteps as they walked toward me. I looked and saw the guard made his way toward the castle gate. I stood up and tried to run. I felt a stabbing pain in my leg. Chances are it was broken. I got out my sword

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and began to slash at all zombies that attempted to infect me. All of a sudden I felt something dig into my back and under my skin. I fell to the ground, and began to lose conciousness, until I completely blacked out.

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Read Part II to see what happens!