"Always..." by Patch_lover52

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I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes, good things fall

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apart so so better things can fall together... this wasn't always the case for me. I didn't always know or believe this saying that defines me. And I never knew what self confidence was.

First day of school, five years ago, dressed up

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in a skirt thinking "this is what I need to make myself look like, I need the popular kids to like me!" dealing with that stupid, old skirt and pretty dressy shirt was one of the worst decisions in my life. You make the wrong friends being someone you

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Always having to pretend.

Always having to lie to make yourself look good.

Always... the promise you unintentionally make to yourself... the one you break but don't ever forget.

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My story was me as a rabbit and others being the foxes... it was like skittering quickly into a burrow you've never seen... hoping for some hospitality. Considering you just escaped foxes some let you in... but only for a bit. It was a trap. And I fell

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for it.

I got stuck in this trap I didn't know what was the truth and what were lies... I didn't really know the people I thought were my friends.

Being stuck in the trap made me realize something... that I was hurting, inside.

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Rumors, lies, half-truths, and unforgivable pain gwawing away at the little cut I thought would heal in a day, ripping it longer and wider... the stinging burning pain never leaving. It was a wound I knew would eventually close, but it would take awhile

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but it will heal. Only leaving the haunting memories of the words spoken to me. Always being the small one, getting picked on for that. Always being the one they all made names for, no matter how many times I said stop, they laughed and said a shitty

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apology while still laughing at me. And I would bottle it all up, keep it all down, until one day...

I'm human, and we all have the breaking point at which we have had enough, at which... we are ready to burst our bottle open and let it all out.

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This day I am still grateful for, I would do it a million times a again just so I could learn what having a voice was like. And I spoke my mind, I said what needed to be said to end it all, even the friendships I thought I had... and turns out you don't

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need help from others before you learn you can help yourself, get out of traps with your wits. Get out of torture with the fight from the pain you suffered. And let that wound heal, it's a deep one, yes. But it healed and now all I have is a scar, but

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scars tell stories... and you have just read my own!

Thank you to everyone who supported me during this time I felt alone, I now have friends I can count on that I might as well call family! <3

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Daisy5234 and WINKYFACE562 were the people who inspired me to write my story, go ahead and check out theirs! They also proof read and helped me improve how I could make this as good as possibly! <3

And thank you to you! :3 I couldn't have made this book

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without the support I recieved by many! Having you read this and learn from my awful time of pain and finding myself and who I truly am! Always be true to yourself... always keep your promises... Always...