"Military Guide 3" by Enderhorse1

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Military Guide

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Chapter 3:
Punishment and

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If you have read
my previous guides,
you would have saw
saw all the things
that are expected
of you are listed.
But, if you refuse
to cooperate with
an Officer, or not
show up in warfare
when ordered, you
may be punished.

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There are three main
forms of punishment
in the military. Verbal
punishment is when
you are talked to by
an Officer for
disrespect, not
following orders, etc.
Running laps is
another form of
punishment. The

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severity of the
offense, the more
laps you have to run
under an Officer's
supervision. If, for
some reason you
refuse to comply,
you will most likely be
fired, which leads to
another form of
punishment. You only
get fired

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if you break a law,
attempt to rob the
bank, RDM, team-kill,
etc. You can also
get sent to Boot Camp
for Team-Killing, as
it is a major offense.
You can also be
fired or sent to
Boot Camp if you
directly disobey

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orders. A less likely
form of punishment
is a Military
Suspension, were you
are prohibited to
do anything Military-
related, for lets say,
a month. After the
command "/fire" was
added, Officers
mostly stopped

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suspensions. One
important thing that
you are expected
NOT to do is give
out exam answers,
especially those to
the Soldier Exam. If
you are caught doing
that, you will be fired
from the Military
And/Or Banned.

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One very important
thing that us
Officers had to
address a lot lately
is AFK farming. It is
both bannable, and
it makes the Military
look bad. Do not do
it unless you want to
lose your job and
leave Vindex forever.

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This was a basic
summary of the forms
of Punishment we use,
and some major
offenses that we had
to deal with over the
last few weeks. Keep
in mind that the best
way to enjoy being
in the Military is to
follow orders and

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This Bonus
Section Is To
Explain To
Soldiers Erases
Your "/ar check",
Or Your Time In
Military. It Also
Deletes Your Rank. Think Twice About

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Quitting Your Job
As A Soldier To
Go Try Out A
New Job. You Will
Regret It.