"literally me" by legsoo

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um so this is my autobiography or something

it has a lot of cursing in it just as a forewarning

if you read this whole thing i salute you

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so the old server i had been playing before vindex (mcpvp.com) had just shut down and that was where i spent all my time so i was hopping from server to server trying to find another place i could be dedicated to

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and eventually after going from rp server to rp server i found vindex on minecraft servers list or something and it looked pretty decent so i decided to give it a shot

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i joined vindex in mid-october of 2015 as 'spaceshiba'

so i ran around lost as fuck after going through the whole immigration test thing and i found myself hanging out at the old shitty tiny white quartz hospital

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i watched the doctors do their job without saying a word like the introverted creeper i am and decided i wanted to become a doctor

so i studied really hard and eventually passed the doctor's test & i was a rly tryhard doctor

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and then i changed my name to 'eggpupy' and joined the vindex forums in late october where i made recommendations to the server that were promptly ignored lol

i ended up making a new account for the forums for some reason i forget

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anyways as i was doctoring at the hospital some girl came in & she was like "doctor can you cure a broken heart" & i was like "ya marry me" and she was like "omg yes" so we got engaged

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and then she cheated on me with her fuckboy friend RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME so then my friend killed her & swept me off my feet and i got engaged to him but one day he left the server and never came back :( & the bitch who cheated on me was enfer lmao

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and after that fiasco i quit my job as doctor and started working on getting a higher paying job because i was broke as shit

i ended up getting the realestateagent job but not actually doing anything bc i just wanted the paycheck lol

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so then after that i decided to do art requests on the forums bc i had recently started digital art and i wanted to get in some practice & i got so many requests it was consuming my entire life

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but i got tips from some very nice people!!!!! even tho the drawings were shit lol

and after that i joined the west side mafia and killed our rival gang which was the vendetta i believe

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we'd duke it out on alphaslii's front lawn of his castle and he would kick us out or kill us depending on his mood lol

and eventually my balance was suffering from the gang activity so i stopped participating so i could get money back

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and after that i met enfer and some other dude who invited me to help them rob the bank & i was like "lol ok" and i got a cut of the pay when we succeeded

it was a lot of fun and i decided to become a full fledged criminal for a while

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i would rob the bank with enfer and i would rdm people occasionally but it really damaged the reputation i had at the time

people were getting pretty mad at me and i felt guilty so i stopped being a criminal

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and then i think around this time i changed my username to legsoo and everyone forgot who i was

but ppl remembered once i took requests on the forums again and they were like "OOOOOOOHH UR EGGPUPY"

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so tomcubed101 held a particular grudge against me after my fling with being a criminal and i decided i had to prove myself to him by becoming a cop ;)))

i became a cop and that lasted a full 3 days before i quit bc being a cop is

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stressful af

and eventually we grew to become friends and i drew thigns for him occasionally

o ya and before i gave up my criminal tendencies enfer and i became closer friends and

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on one of our heists hannahriverez joined us and helped us escape from police ;> we had a party at her house to celebrate and thats where i became good friends with han and enfer

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anyways back to when i gave up being a criminal

i went back to being a realestateagent and lived happily in my little seaside apartment

and one day i met celloismylife when i was hanging out in an old gang friend's

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apartment at ap4

cello and i became friends and she told me she wanted to sell her bhouse4 and i had been dreaming to buy one ever since i saw them on my first walk around town when i first joined :OO

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and she offered to hold it for me until i had the money to buy it!

and then i told hannah about the deal and then a couple weeks later she fucking buys the bhouse4 for me and i lose my shit and dedicate my life to paying her back

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bc she bought the bhouse for 90k which was all her money

so while im working on paying han back i raise about 60k and enfer says she's going to sell her townhouse & i was rly against that idea bc i was sentimental about it

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so i bought the townhouse from enfer spending all my money rip

and a bit after this i became pretty good friends with guinessgeneral when the turf wars between police & military were happening at the whitehouse

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i'll never forget the time he gave me 2k to buy the fucking sunglasses from hatshop

and at this point i was on teamspeak a lot and i was rly shy but eventually i became more extroverted :>> i made a lot of new friends through teamspeak

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and then when tomcubed got banned for the non-compete agreement i was pissed & disappointed but i attended his funeral anyways u_u and thats when the teamspeak trend began to gradually die off and less people went on bc he and xtreme kept it active

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but sometime after this vindex got talent was revived and i was the designated camerawomen for it bc of my fancy texturepacks and shaders and that was great but short lived

and i think a bit before vgt han took a break from vindex and

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gave me her sub and all her money O_O i was really surprised and worried she wouldnt come back but eventually she did<3

everyone kept asking me for the sub and i was like ITS NOT MIne


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after i got hired to decorate sher's palace i decorated some of it but i didnt have the time to decorate the rest but i got paid for what i DID do

so i was able to raise 90k to pay hannah back!

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i hit 100k by the time hannah was online and i could pay her

so i finally paid off 90k to her even though she said i didnt have to :')

and then after i had no more goals i kind of stopped playing vindex bc i had nothing to do

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but then i decided i really wanted a redhouse so i was going around begging for deals bc fairy_pug volunteered to buy one for me as long as i paid her back bc she's amazing

and so sher gives me this deal that i can buy his and im like omg

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he tells me to follow him and makes me say embarrassing shit in global and then shows me this sign on the redhouse property that says "jk" and i was so salty that i had to take a break from vindex

thanks sher

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anyways i got mod on this other server so i played on there instead and i would occasionally play vindex

i come online one day and gave all my money to this girl CutieMemo bc she was rly sweet & cool & she wanted a car so i was like "here"

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and after my break i came back bc the brewery plugin was fixed and all these neat cars were added ^_^ and then fairy tells me she'll give me her redhouse but it's going to stay under her name until i can pay it off

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so right now im working on paying her 250k for the redhouse :p

so far i've paid off 17k of tht but im workin towards my goal

so ya thats my vindex career so far

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ujm so thanks for reading i guess im glad u were interested in my shitty life

written on july 15th 2016
