"Last night:3" by Im_an_ewok

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Last night part 3
By: Im_an_ewok
***********************I saw him turn the corner, and he started to run right at me. I started to feel my heart beat faster and faster. I still had the piece of metal in my hand, I don't think he saw it. He went to

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tackle me, bud I got out of the way just in time, he fell down, and I pounced onto his back, jabbing the piece of scrap metal into his back. It started to bleed fast. I started to run, at first it was juts a limp but evendtually I lost all

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feeling in my legs, and I was at a full sprint running out of the tunnel. I saw light, as I reached the end of the tunnel, I looked around me and I saw the cabain. I knew where I was. I started to sprint to the cabain. once I reached it I retraced our

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foodsteps from the few days before, and made it out of the woods. I saw it, I couldn't belive it, but I saw my house. It was like a gate to heaven. I started to run for the doors when 3 men dropped down from the roof and pushed me to the ground.

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They reconized my face rather quick, and quickly got off of me. I stood up and that is when they saw my injury, one of them picked me up and rushed me into a car int he front, where he yelled something to the driver I didn't understand.

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We spead off somewhere I couldn't see out the windows. I passed out. I must have lost a lot of blood. I woke in a darkend room, I was in a bed, with white sheets, and pillows. I looked aroudn and saw all these machines, oh the hospital. I laid my head

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down and feel asleep again. I drempt of a storm, and on a boat in sea, a violent storm and the boat flipped over we were all on, that's when I woke up, in my own house again. Lying in my bed, with a guard fast asleep in a chair next to my bed. I was home.

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Authors Notes.
This is the final book of the series! I hoped you enjoyed it, sorry if this wasen't as interesting, but I needed to wrap this series up. Thanks again for reading this series!


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Dedication page.

To my lovely wife, for inspiering me to start writting, and to my amazing sister, for breaking free from our messed up life.

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Section 3 of the mall, first floor, alllll the way in the back, on the left!

Read some of my wifes books!
The girl
The boy