"BankGuard Guide" by Enderhorse1

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What is a Bank

A bankguard is a member of the Vindex law enforcement. He/she is expected to stop robberies, while arresting all those who break laws in the bank.

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Where can Bank
Guards arrest?

The area where bankguards can arrest is highly disputed, but the most commonly agreed area is inside the bank, and the stone bricks outside. If any crimes occur elsewhere, they can't arrest.

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What is the job
of the Bank

The Bank Manager's
job is to train new bankguards, while firing abusing ones. He can also act like an ordinary Bankguard. The Bank Manager is selected through a fair voting system.

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What are Bank
Guards expected
to do?

Bankguards are expected to stop bank robberies, arrest anyone who committs a crime in the bank, and read chat. They have to act when a threat is made. When an alarm goes off, they run into

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the bank and jail anyone over the desk, or in the vault. Bankguards have to respond to /warp bank if the Robbery Message appears in chat. Do /bank rob to find out when the bank can be robbed (if there is a number higher than 1.00, it can).

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Bankguards have to warn players first, unless it is a robbery attempt. If a person goes over the desk and either flips levers or goes through the door, jail. If they are just on the desk, warn, but if they proceed to do it again, jail. Bankguards cannot

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"camp out" in the vault. They have to leave after the arrest the criminal. Bankguards cannot do unauthorized vault checks. Vault checks have to be approved by either WirelessPotato, the Police Chief, or the Bank Manager at the time. Bankguards have

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to obey all /laws and /rules. If a bankguard breaks a law OR rule, they should expect to be fired, or banned. It generally depends on the magnitude of the offense. A simple accidental jail could lead to a warning of fire, while random jailing could lead

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to a ban. Bankguards also cannot be drunk while on duty. This isn't the military, but bankguards should also be respectful to their superiors.

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How many banks?

There is currently only one bank, located in Seawall City. It is commonly called the Seawall City Bank, and is located near the Church and College. It is known for RDM, abusive jailing, and more annoyances.

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What happens at

At night, all bankguards have to countdown from at least 3 seconds. If players do not leave, jail them. If players are AFK (Away From Keyboard), still jail them. If they are AFK in a chair, stand by them

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until they come back, then proceed to jail them. Only bankguards can be in the bank at night. If a detective tries to stay in because of a "crime", request strong evidence, that being from a staff member.

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Who can be over
the desk when
there is no bank

When there is no bank robbery, only bankguards can be over or on the desk. If there is less than two bankguards online, though, one-two police officers can respond.

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Remember, always obey your superiors. This is just a main summary of everything that is important for Bankguards to know. Things that are not required such as the ability to properly be able to PvP, strafe, run and jump, etc are

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not included. Remember, learn those bank codes! There's four as of now!