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"VC Law Guide" by Akain_
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The Vindex Nation
Guide to Basic Laws
Created by Akain_
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> Battery
Battery is 3 or more unconsented hits without a weapon. A warning must be given before the arrest.
> Assault
Assault is 1 hit with a melee weapon (sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel). There is no consent for assault.
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> Conspiracy
Conspiracy to commit a crime is illegal.
> Incitement
Incitement of a crime is illegal.
> Evasion of Police
Evasion of police is illegal.
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> Animal Abuse
Abusing domestic animals is illegal.
> Robbery
Robbery of the bank or gas station is illegal, as is mugging people.
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> Murder
Murder and attempting murder are illegal.
> Kidnapping
Kidnapping and holding hostages is illegal.
> Drugs
Possession or distribution of drugs is illegal.
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> Open Carry
Holding a gun out for more than 3 seconds is illegal, except for police or military.
> Loitering
Loitering in the bank is illegal and you must leave when a cop asks you to.
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> Death Threats
Making death threats is illegal.
> Self Defense
Self defense is legal for everyone in Vindex Nation.
> Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is illegal.
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> Excessive Honking
Excessive honking of vehicle horns is illegal.
> Aviation laws
Planes must fly over Y 125 and may only land on runways.
Helicopters must fly over Y 100 and may only land on helipads.
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This is just a list of the most basic laws of Vindex Nation.
Ask a member of the government or law enforcement for the complete list of laws.
Created by Akain_