"Star Wars:Book 3" by FuryFalcon12

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Minecraft Star Wars
Return Of The Dark Jedi Knight
-------------------Chapter 1: He's Back
Chapter 2: New Enemy
Chapter 3: New Army
Chapter 4: Princess
Chapter 5: Princess Kidnapped
Chapter 6: Connections

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Chapter 7: Just The Beginning
Chapter 8: New Wepon
Chapter 9: It's Done
------------------- He's Back
------------------- Stan saw his father again. Stan tried to control his fear. Then Billy began saying "Join us together we can

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rule the galaxy" but Stan said "I will never join you"! Stan started yelling at Billy "why did you have to join the Empire why"!"It wasn't my choice" said Billy. Stan and him started having a lightsaber battle. But Billy chopped off Stan's arm! But Stan

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was okay still. Stan had to flee he saw Ryan and jumped onto his new ship, The Cruiser. Then he saw someone walk up to where his ship was at and used the force to bring the ship back.
------------------- New Enemy
-------------------He was small

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and orange. He was a little furry. He called him self Masacure. Knowone knew what his real name is. When the Masacure used the force to bring Stan's ship out he crushed the door and walked through! He had a deep and manly voice he said "Where are you

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Ryan". The Masacure found Ryan and Stan. He said "So looks like you have a new apprentice". Stan said "what does he mean new apprentice". "I used to have an apprentice and he turned to the darkside" said Ryan. The Masacure had a 5 sided lightsaber and

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turned it on. His lightsaber was bright red! After they met the new enemy they heard about the new Empire's army.
------------------- New Army
-------------------They knew the time would come someday! They built better armor for the

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stormtroopers and built better wepons. Now there wepons can block lightsabers! The only thing that can destroy it is if you splash water on it. The army was way better than before. The Sith was so happy! He can keep the Empire rolling for Decades! From

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there new wepons and armor.
------------------- Princess
-------------------Stan, Lenny, and Ryan has been currently trying to find the planet Codako to find the princess! They found the only planet that wasn't ruled by the Empire! Also had the

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best troops and wepons! They found the princess and asked if her and her troops wanted to help keep the galaxy in peace. So she said yes. But later there were small creatures that didn't have any fur and they took the princess!

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------------------- Princess Kidnapped
------------------- They took the princess to eat her! The small creatures were called Fuzzy's! They had her tied up to a post hanging! Stan went where the Fuzzy's were and so when he found where they kept her he

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untied her. For some reason though Stan felt like he knew her! But he tried to forget about it. When he untied the princess they killed the Fuzzy's and left! They already had the cooking pot ready for the body. So the princess, Lulu got lucky.

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------------------- Conections
------------------- Stan fought Billy again then Billy said "Stan you have a sister her name is Lulu"! Stan was in shock he couldnt even say a word. So he went to the spaceship and told Lulu that her dad was Billy

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the Sith's apprentice. Lulu fainted! She didn't want to belive that but she knew it was true. Then Stan said "Lulu i'm your brother". Lulu was in awe! Stan was right that he knew her. But his sister already knew. Then Stan said "the force is in you to

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Lulu use it wise". Than Lulu asked what's that in the sky.
------------------- Just The Beginning
-------------------Stan said "thats the new deathstar there building"! It was almost complete the Sith Lord was harsh to the workers that were building the

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deathstar. Stan and Ryan felt that something bad was coming and it was coming soon. So they decided they had to destroy it. But they couldn't do it alone! Then Stan began constructing a new wepon! That will be one of the best wepons the Jedi will have.

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------------------- New Wepon
-------------------Stan was going to call his wepon Glok. It had a light saber as a spear on a gun and the gun shot Bright lazering green lazers that can kill you with one shot! Also he added extra ammo! So they

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won't run out of ammo during a battle! They tested it on a indestructible dummy! He killed it in 1 shot and sliced it with the lightsaber! He added 2 small lightsabers on the side to make it better and more powerful! This was the one wepon that can

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destroy the Empires armor and wepons! In the shadow there was a big sphere!
------------------- It's Done
-------------------They finished the deathstar! They already destroyed the planet Sky City! Took all there resources! The Sith was to happy to

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express his feelings and the Sith has never been this happy! Exept for one time in the past but who ever tells anyone what was the happiest moment they would get force cholked, he was happy when he got a unicorn for Christmas! Now they were ready to

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destory more planets! -------------------Wanna join our business Hero Inc? If so msg FuryFalcon12! He is hiring Writers and Resteraunt workers! Just msg him if you want him to make a book for you he will respond all the time!
Please thank

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Budder_Steve1 for helping me think of the book name and the chapters!
-------------------By: FuryFalcon12 and Budder_Steve1