"Script" by Yankeeruler

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Script for CatGirl gets her way.

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Catgirl: *talks to someone in the shadows* I have found him, he lives in the nation called Vindex.

Shadow: Nice, I want Batman to be dead!! Or your life will make up for his, got me?

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Catgirl: *grumbles* Yes, I won't let ou down. *walks away*

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Scene 2

RichGuy: *sits by fire* Nice day to be Rich.
Isn't butler?

Butler: Yes....Can I get you anything Sir?

RichGuy: No No,but if a girl calls

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tell her I don't want to talk to her inless our deal is finsished.

Butler: Yes Sir, this girl I am prussmy is the girl with cat-

RichGuy: QUIET YOU!!
Not another word.
Leave now.

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butler walks off*

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Scence 3

BatMan: *deep voice as always xD* I think I just solved the Joker for a few days. That should give me some time to rest. I'm going to go out on the town.

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Scene 4

*while in town BatMan finds himself in quiet a pickle*
BatMan: Girly, I don't want any trouble.

CatGirl: Ooh, but I do want trouble *luaghs evily*

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BatMan: *eyes her* Bring it.

CatGirl: *laughs* Let's go.

*CatGirl lunges at BatMan with one of her claw things, sh's aiming for the throat. BatMan dodges and trys to get

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her with one of his Bat-of-ransg (that's what it is called right? whatever) CatGirl calls on her "minions" cats!!! As they go for BatMan, CatGirl goes in for the kill. But! Little does she know! BatMan has her worst nightmare....WATER!!!!!!!!!

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CatGirl: Ahhhhhhh!!!!
*she turns and runs*

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Scene 5

CatGirl: Sorry, I couldn't kill him, he had my worst nightmare, Water...

Shadow: I'll just have to deal with him myself!!! I'll see you later CatGirl....

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*CatGirl walks off scared*

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Scene 6

RichGuy: I'm going out Butler! I trust you to watch the house! Or else.

Butler: Yes Sir!!

*RichGuy walks away*

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Scene 7

RichGuy: *confronts BatMan* Why hello BaMan.

BatMan: Um, hello?

RichGuy: I've come to finish what I have started.

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BatMan: *confused*

*RichGuy lunges at BatMan, CatGirl comes in and stops him, backs him up, then lunges herself at BatMan, slits his throat, and BatMan dies.*

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CatGirl: I did it, I killed him, now I want my end of the deal, or else *brings out claw with blood still dripping from it*

RichGuy: FINE!! Here! *gives her 4M* Take the stupid money. I have too much anyway.

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*CatGirl pushes him to the ground, spats on his face, hisses at him, then walks away while RichGuy it lieing there, trembling in the dirt, scraed fo CatGirl*

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The End
