"Merlyn VS Agent" by zacorange

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The Virdis Times

Court Case:

Reported by:

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Agent__47_ VS Tony_Merlyn

Type: Theft, Abuse
Requests: 10k a Horse

Judge: Reeese

Agent__47_ Pleeds not guilty

Lawyers: I_Schleep for Tony_Merlyn. None for Agent__47_.

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I_Schleep: "I was at gas station riding my horse when Agent took my Horse. Then he told me to get off the horse and I did. Then he took my Horse. And well, I never saw that horse again."

Then I_Schleep crys.

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Agent__47_: "So he was arrested for attempted robbery at SeaWall has station and I brought him back to Alpha police station. Taylor said she took the horse and then gave it back to I_Schleep."

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Neither Have any evidnce.

Witness Time

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Agent__47_: "Well. Wirless was there but not here.

I_Schleep: Brings in Taylor71503

I_Shleep: "So Taylor my defendant said he diliverd my horse to the Alpha PD"

Taylor: "Yes he did."

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Taylor: "I then grabbed the horse and brough it to the Myrelyn Animal shelter Hotel Floor."

I_Schleep: "So my client was charged?"

Taylor: "I was not present for the enital arrest."

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I_Schleep: "Can you confirm my client was charged?"

Taylor: "Yes."

I_Schleep: "All right that will be all."

Reese: "You may now cross examine the witness. If you would like."

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Agent__47_: "No qustions. Just a big thank you. For your honesty."

Resse: "Plantiff/Tony_Meryln: do you have any more witness?"

Tony_Merlyn: "No, your honor. Thank you though."

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Reese: "You guys ready for closing statements?"

Both: "Yes you Honor."

I_Schleep: "Thank you your honor. I am very sad and I will probaly sue Agent for slander. I really miss my horse as I have not seen him after the arrest."

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Reese: "You Agent__47_?"

Agent__47_: "No thank you."

Reeese: "We will now go into a two minute recces.

I_Schleep: Crys.

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shootthesun: "Im going to make a fire request for this officer."

Reeese: Enters back to the stand.

Reeese: "On these charges of abuse and theft. I find Agent__47_ not guilty. However i find Agent__47_ guilty for court missconduct."

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Agent__47_ was fired after the hearing by BigGamer__ and charged with battery and missconduct in court.