"Shadow News VL 3" by WhosRanium

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----Shadow News---

On this edition of shadow news, we discover how the streets of our country isnt under the governments trustful eye. As we found out last volume, the government officials have changed the requirements of EMT workers leading to a

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mass amount of new workers applying for the job, during my research with my operation crew, we found a ratio concerning the amount of doctors to EMT workers/drivers, the result was there is 1 doctor for every 6 EMT drivers, this leads a dangerous system

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for the vindexian health department, and with our recent volumes we uncovered the lack of officers that came with the increase of military force in the main branch that is lead by Sherlock101, although Many government officials I spoke to told us that the

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lack of police force is just a lack of online players, and they stated that was the reason behind the new chief of police in the department. as the question I asked the officials, was what do you think was the cause of the decrease in police members?

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many of them responded with a responce stating its just a absence of players and others responded with a terms of money reason. As the government officials know the amount of pay you could receive by doing government duties such as working in the military

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and how the money you receive by doing government work can go up to being even 2x the amount you are payed doing police duties. You heard it from us first folks these 2 reasons may very well be the cause of the lack of officers in the country of vindex.

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-Military Innovations-

in the recent days there has been news brewing around the military branches, one of the news circulating across vindex that has been a talked about topic in the Shadow News Volume's is the production of
aircraft within the

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military. and yes this is the cause of the funding plans we spoke about earlier with The speaker of the house, and the same funding that was removed from the navy branch. Speaking of the navy's branch that brings us to our next bit of news that has been

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circulating the military branches, that is the removal of the navy branch in the military.
But fear not after the time it took to plan this the navy is being replaced in the branches, by the Coast Guard Branch. The coast guard will resume the same duties

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as the navy branch does just refurbished and with modified equipment such as modified boats for sailors, etc.
-------------------Now as we go back to medical problems in vindex there is a bond the military and the medical specialist of vindex hold, and

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and that is the trained specialist including the Medical Generals that have become addition to sherlock101's branch in the past couple weeks, and after consideration the capitals representatives/the government officials are looking to remove the medical

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specialist from vindex's main military branch cause of the countries current situation.
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