"MineWars Ep.2" by IronRolay

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--- Mine Wars Ep.2 ---
---------------------- ForceAndJedi ---
-Made By IronRolay
-Mine Wars Episode 2

-- A long time ago in
-- A Galaxy far far
-- Away..........

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Iron´s Master is dead, in the past 10 Years Iron have grown to a Strong jedi, after the battle against Ice Vader when his master died he touched the dark side..
He killed Ice Vader but could not save his master from.....him....

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When Iron come back to the Republic 5 years later he were cleard no more dark inside him....
When he came back i meat a girl, She were a rebel. He had feeling for her but never knowed it. Back in the day the used 2 hang out when he were

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- A jedi in traning.
He knowed that jedis isn´t allowed to love so he tryed to hide his feelings deep inside of him.
But in time the feelings came out.
One night Iron had a dream...He saw his mom in pain, he knew that a jedi get visions...

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When Iron told Miley(The rebel girl) she wanted to help him find her. They serched for 10 days until they find her. She were weak...he could not save her body but he could make her to a force ghost with the metod his Master Showed him..

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Iron Were still im pain.
When he saw his mom die..... He killed all in the star ship.....There were good ppl there to....
-------------------Iron started to grow inside...not with light....with dark....power.....He got alot of Visions he saw many

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friends,Masters die....
The only one left were Miley......
But the thing is....There is a dark lord....the siths name is Darth