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"Contract" by Xionnn_
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Cafola Contract
Signed: Manager Btmac
While working with Cafola, I will:
-Not break any laws that will diminish Cafola's reputation or its business
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-Not perform in the action of theivery inside our properties
-You may treat the manager as you wish and refer to him as you wish. You may call him "Sir" as a curtosy, but this is not required.
-Not be toxic to any co-workers,
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managers, and especially not the CEO of Cafola.
-Not take money you are not supposed to. Once you recieve money, pay it to the appropriate manager of the shop, and that money (in profits) will be cut to pay paychecks.
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Breaking the violations of this contract can result in a fire, (most likely) or if severe enough, a case in the court of law. However, going to court is very rare, and you would most likely be fired based on the offense.
Signed, Xion.