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"Cost for Product" by 7ru57_n0b0dy
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Beer - $12
Wheatbeer - $13
SweetAppleMead - $15
RussianVodka - $16
AppleJuice - $10
AppleCider - $10
SweetTea - $9
Tea - $8
IcedCoffee - $15
Expresso - $12
Mocha - $10
Latte - $10
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Steak - $2
GrilledPork - $2
FriedChicken - $3
GrilledMutton - $5
BakedPotato - $5
Apple - $3
Melon - $2
Potato - $2
Cookie - $2
Cake - $5
Bread - $2
PumpkinPie - $4