"My Life Story" by FlowerGirl716

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Hi I'm FlowerGirl716 and this is my VindexCraft life story so far :D! Just be in for a kinda thrilling but depressing at times story! Now, this is my story <3

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Well hi this whole story starts when I first joined this amazing server with my friend Taylor (Love you Taylor :D <3). Every1 was so welcoming. Well enough about me joining this starts our first chapter.........

P.S. Turn the page for the chapter :D

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+=================+ Chapter One: Getting A Job
+=================+ When me and Taylor were done getting bumbarded with msg's we were like we need a job. LIKE NOW! So we went to the mall and were looking at some little diners and we

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saw The Wild Tavern. So we asked the owner wolfw21 Hey bro, can we work at ur shop for some easy money to get started and he said " Ya just fill out this application" so after we filled it out he was like "Im srry to say this BUT YOU GOT THE JOB!" We were

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overly excited and we started work the next day to our surprise there were a decent amount of customers and threw tht whole experience we learned how to brew, cook, and even how to run a diner. After a while of working we went to college and took the Chef

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exam after like "10" times we FINALLY passed! But after we got our Chef Degree we both got ranked up to manager with means $20 more in our paycheck so tht was great :D. So day after day we went to work and like all jobs it started to get boring. So me and

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Taylor went on the hunt for a new job. So we bpth became cop after all 5 exams I shortly after knew this wasnt my job! So I went to being a doctor. I found my passion there helping people and carrying millions of doctors supplies. I was like yep this is

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my dream job. Day after day I would get to heal people I loved and it was my favorite thing to do I was at the hospital day in day out and tht was my special place.

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+=================+ Chapter 2
Bad Times & and Good Times
+=================+ But after my long while at working as a doctor someone threw meth at me and I was criticized and fired for a crime tht i was wrongly commited of. Now yall may think omg i

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feel so bad but I promise this story doesnt have a sad ending. While may days of being fired I met 1 of my nest friends Cello aka Red. She would tell me every day itll be ok keep going youll do great. Finally I got back up on my feet and started to look

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for my new passion. She was a Lieutenant at the time and said try being a soldier its quite fun. So I passed the soldier exam and went to training we had to take laps and shoot at targets sometimes answer questions but rarely. After i ranked up to

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corporal I started to date people my first boyfriend was XxRomoDudexX tht didnt last long tho bc I found out he was a drug dealer so tht ended and most of my relatonships werent tht long. After awhile being in Vindex my other friend Sianna aka LoveLife252

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joined we had a blast with her and she fund a mate of her own __Hero__ they were a great couple but he got a girl friend irl and they had to break up bc of "awkwardness". Then Taylor met Thanos1901 and while they had a great relationship I was over in the

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corner thinking i dont get it why cant I get someone tht is interested in me and my personallity instead of someone to hide there drugs. Taylor and Sianna went threw dozens of men but none of them were great. But then I found HookEmReese he was so perfect

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and loved me for me. So while I was in love Taylor found CaptainHamster00 they clicked and got married but after the first maybe 3 days of being married she thought he was to touchy feely and didnt respect how he treated her as a women. They both were

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very sad but she had alot of family to hep her and soon got better.

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+=================+ Chapter 3
Newly Weds & Kids
+=================+Soon after Taylor and Captain's divorce Reese proposed to me! It was probally the happiest moment of my Vindex Life. Our wedding was great it was a private wedding for

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friends and family. It was so fun to we had a huge cake and great food. After we had our wedding we were thinking about adopting. So we now have 2 wonderful kids Kayla and Piglet. Currently Kayla is 18 and has a husband and a wonderful 5 yr old name

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Phoenix but her husband shall not be spoke of bc he isnt welcome lets just say hes a major ass and dont call me a bitch or a slut bc youll get rekt :D <3! But finallt Taylor has found her special man _Bix_ and they are as strong of a wife and husband as

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+=================+ Acknowledgement
+=================+ Threw this journey ive met some incredible people and I wouldnt be here today without them. A special thx to my husband and my sister Taylor for telling me making this book was a good idea to make.

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For now this is my life I hope to make another book later to explain all my other amazing adventures and to bring yalls support with me.

Love yall all <3