"Is God Real" by AlexGLife

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=================== Is God Real
===================Sorry for any grammar mistakes i am From Greece and i dont speak native English
===================Alex's Theory about God :

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So many believe in god's existance , many dont .I personally never believed ,but always was facinated on humans that did believe .I was curious to understand why they have such a strong fate in something that they have never seen .I'm From Greece and here

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people are Christians. After I turned 12 and was able to have a clear thought .I started awnsering to my Questions .Many will think I am a Bad Person , How can i talk about god .To those who believe in God please read the hole book .

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So Last summer , me and my friend were on the beach late at night and having a conversasion on very importnant things .I asked him his opinion on God .His awnser facinated me .Listen ,he said , Lets say i Was a Criminal .I was stealing , killing , raping

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and my only fear is that they MIGHT cought me .Might ... not for sure ,and if it happens to jail me or punish me for what i did , i might aswell suicide .Up until then i hadnt understood what he ment ,so i let him finish his thought. So Alex , he said ,

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What can stop a criminal ?? In the old days there werent a good Police force or Army , so what really stopped a criminal from murdering ??
He took a deep breath and contineued .Nothing really stops him except ... God .You see all relegions have after life

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we Cristians "believe" in heaven and Hell !! So the Criminal was told , If you KILL you gonna go TO HELL . None beats Death so it was sure he ll go to hell if he was bad .Thats a reason to be a good person right ??

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Moreover , He told me something that is more a joke than a fact .
"They Say god can do anything and is the most powerful .So can he creat a log that cant be broken .And if he can then he is not the most poweful cause he cant break it , but if he cant

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then he cant do anything ".
===================Anyways I wanted to take all these thought one step further . As everyone does I asked my Teacher where is god when everyone is dieing from wars . He awnsered me wisely ...:

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God left humans free and let them do what they wanted it . His awnser was enough to delete this fact from my thought . So I started thinking what humans have created. How did we make it so far ... I realised that Humand Learn From Their MISTAKES .We made

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thousands of planes that didnt fly but afterall we made some that fly ... So that got me thinking how can god Learn WITHOUT mistaking ?? Does he know everything ??
No I dont think so Dinosaurs and Thousand more spieces didnt survive on Earth .Darwin said

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about evolution and i find his statement really intresting . One Fact of his theory is natural Choise . Natural choise talks about that spieces that arent able to survive in earth disappear . So I imagine there would be THOUSAND of different humanlike

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spieces before us that didnt make it ...
===================Anyways , I believe that God is a human creation , and the true factor is natural choise and CHANCE ...
my theory might be true 1% or 99% but for sure there is a CHANCE its true :D !!

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===================Thanks for reading , if you have a different opionion I really want to know it :D