"Blood and Salt" by PsychoSulley

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Blood and Salt

I never imagined this day. My sinking ship. The song of Davy Jones calling my name to a black abyss. Crew sinking with me. Bloody and beaten. Some with holes blasted through their chest and intestines pouring out. I'm dead.

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This is it. The cold seems so peaceful. I thought it would be worse.... I thought....

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"Wow so a captain," the distant voice spoke. "I bet you go on so many wild and heroic adventures." She whispered in my ear. The smell of booze and perfume bludgeoning my senses as she leaned in. "Maybe you could take me for an adventure upstairs?"
"I need to take my

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leave darling but thank you for such a kind invite." I pushed my chair in after finishing my rum and began making my way to the ship. A hearty lass she was. Twenty Five cannons on each side, two mast, and the finest damn scallywags a captain could ask for. Hardened the lot of

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them. Weathered by the sea and forged in Poseidon's rage for years. My first mate Jenkins by my side and the crew as well we could be known as the most feared ship in the seas. As for me. Captain Louis Egran. My story simple. Tired of beeing a simple fisherman and all my

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profits go to some snooty bitch with a white wig powdered by her own mothers ashes. I wanted my fair share. "STOP! He snatched my coins thief." Yelled the woman as I made a break for my ship. "RAISE ANCHOR BOYS AND LOWER THE BLASTED SAILS. WE'VE OVERSTAYED OUR

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WELCOME." I scremed to my ship and as always right on que. The ship begin moving forward and the rope was thrown to the side. I jumped out and grabbed hold of the rope waving a kind farewell to the maidens and the island. I wasn't to fond of being on land anyway. The day was

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the men were rested and we had a date with a cargo ship that we got intel to be moving across the Atlantic. A four day trip but the cargo of precious spices and gems made it hard to refuse. I knew and the crew knew it was going to be armed to the teeth with mercanaries. Damn sailors on the

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Ship were'nt worth a shit so hire real dogs. Hopefully this is the last one though then cash in and retire to enjoy some peace. I didn't know that this path would inevitably lead to my demise....."CAPTAIN!" .......Sometimes I wish it was just easy....."Captain!"....but what can I say, the

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thrill is what drove me. I awoke at night still on the sea. First mate Gerald is maining the wheel. "What's our coords?" I asked. "About a day and a half early Capt'n. We should arrive early and give a good oppurtunity to ambush them." He said aggressively. "Ay, an ambush is going to be

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the best way to aproach this one mate. Word is they have plenty of the mercs watching their ass on the delivery. We get in and slit a few ear to ear I think we can deal." I said. "Or catch of a few of em' and make an example." he responded. He wasn't wrong. Few men are tough as nails to

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see comrades gutted from bottom to top. They stay strong during the first few seconds but when those intestinges hit the deck it's pretty over. "Alright kind man. I'll take the wheenl now. Prepare for tomorrow we'll get the men ready and make and go over the details." I said. He

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turned at walked off and I took the chance to enjoy the breeze of the night and sounds of the ocean pushing against the ship. The calm before the storm.