"Survival..." by RabbitRobber

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Ready or Not

Here they come

You better be ready

to run run run

If not

You'll be done done done

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This is a guide about how to survive the rough streets of Vindex Nation.
As of recently we have begun to have an overwhelming amount of hobos, mobsters, and gangsters.
While each are very different, in the end they band together to torture the civlians

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of Vindex. But what can the normal people of Vindex do? Call the Police?
No. We, the people of Vindex need to be able to protect ourselves from the dangers that prowl our streets. So this is a guide, and a story, the story of a friend very dear to me.

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May they rest in peace.

This is dedicated to the people of Vindex Nation.

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Step 1: Be prepared for a confrontation.
Step 2: Carry protection.
Step 3: Have a diplomatic solution ready.
Step 4: Be ready to use force if needed.
Step 5: Be ready to run like hell.

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This is a story about the day I died. I was walking down the street in my local neighborhood. I was only a few blocks from my friends house. We'd planned to have drinks and play bingo, but things never go as planned, do they? As I was passing the stadium,

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I was confronted. Two hobos popped out of no where and demanded all my money. I only had twenty bucks for betting with my buds, and gladly gave them the money, trying to avoid a fight. But then they demanded that I give them everything I had on my person.

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I told them no...
They pulled out a AK-47 and a shotgun. I quickly gave them my extra food and water, and other bargaining items I had on my being. Then I asked that the just let me go.
I'd never expected them to kidnap me.

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They shot me in the leg and then knocked me out.
When I awoke I was in a storage unit somewhere. It was dark, and a chilly breeze flew through the cracks in the wall. I called out for help, thinking that if anyone was near they could save me.

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I earned myself a beating for that and another bullet in my leg.
They tried to ransom my life, but the price was too high, and no one paid up. No one could.
The Police thought the hobos were bluffing. They were considered amatuers afterall.

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They weren't so amatuer when they shot a bullet through my chest and let me bleed out on the dirty floor of that storage unit.
It took the police three weeks to find my body. The smell was eventually what helped them find me.

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It was too late then. The killers were never caught.
So that's my story.
A martyr for the people.
Forgotten and gone.

So I plead, that we get control of the people rampaging through Vindex and killing the good people.

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Thank you to all who have read this, and help us, the people of Vindex, find a solution to the most devastating problem we have.
Robbers, murderers, and villians rule our streets, and our government have no power to stop them.
We need...

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A Warlord,
A Godfather,
A President,
A Fire Chief
A Police Chief,
The Press
The People.
We need and want Peace.