"Nothing Personal" by TyMiner64

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Nothing Personal
the second book in the series: A New Vindex
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Authors Note: I hope you enjoy this book even more than the first!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-As said in the first book, The Vindex Government is simply

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Hanging by a thread & it has become the Rebelions job to break that thread before the Vindex Government can sew it back together again.

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In this book of the series, I will go even more in depth of the issues discussed in the first book, But I am bringing in loads of problems that whent unrecognized in Book
1. Please Bear with me as this book is a long one. Thanks

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Job System
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Dragon_12dk I hope you are reading this because the Vindex Nation job system seems as though it is run by dead people.
I bet any money that the job system is made up of 1 plugin & some signs.

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The server of Vindex Nation is meant to give off as much realism &
is supposed to simulate the feeling of being out in the real world. I havent graduated from college yet but I am pretty sure I wont punch a sign in order to take my final exam.

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This issue may seem a little off focus but it just points out a weak spot in the whole Government System. There is a leak in the system allowing Players like me to cheat on an exam. This point is only mensioned due to the fact that it points out a weak

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spot in the Vindex Nation government.
Recent research done by me shows that some people, In this case our President, will ignore players & issues to avoid failing to deal with them. It is a simple explination. If you dont attempt to deal with ongoing

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issues, You wont need to solve em. Brilliant. I dont remember the Government ignore 9-11. Has it not occured to anyone yet that our Very own President Dragon_12dk is a scared turtle hiding in his shell. No wonder he hired TURTLEC. His own species.

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Now I will explain the leak in the System. In fact, I am demonstraiting the method this second. My research shows that there is no such Plugin that allows the Owner/Admin access to see what a player is writing in a book & Quil. Any other social media can

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Be used to seek help on Exams. My next point of the leak is how the Police exam answers where leaked when Dragon_12dk seeked help using the plugin online & the chat showing the answers was released & exposed. Now that I think of it, That was about a year

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ago. Only recently was the Police exam updated. So all this time people who just wanted to abuse & didnt care about Vindex Nation used the online answer exposure to become Phoney Police Officers. This theory has a conclusion so dont worry.

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I am asking you now, If you where on VindexCraft at the time of the leak, What did Dragon_12dk do about it. Nothing. He took down the Page containing the Answers and left everything else be. If I where the President at the time, I would re-create the Exam

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And have all police retake the New exam & Fire those who fail.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Jail System
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I find it purely amazing how the Government hasnt realized that since day one, The for some reason still standing Jail System has been

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Nothing but a peice of paper versus a pair of scissors. The jail System seems realistic right? Hit someone with a stick & Vouila, They are in jail for a whole 10 minutes! Wait, Im wrong, The system sucks. Throw it in the garbage please. Or execute whoever

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Thought out the mechanics of the Jail system. You get hit with a stick and teleport to jail. Man whoever thought of that deserves a gold medal. To the face. Really hard. No seriously. Kill him. Now. We need a more improved jail stystem.

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My idea was that when jailed you teleport to court where you a FAIRLY sentenced based off of eye-witnesses & screenshotted evidence. You will then be sent to prison to serve high amounts of time in an escapable prison. This would make

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the server more realistic in the matter of RolePlay and would put criminals where they belong. There would be 2 new jobs invlolved but I do not see that happening due to the crumby Job/Exam System.
The two New jobs would be

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The Prison Guard & the Prison warden (Similar to Police Cheif). This would seperate the society of good from Evil.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Housing System
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I love the Country life, living in the house that I built myself. Feeding

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The animals in the barn, And the best part is the pay you get after a hard day of harvesting crops. Then you wake up in your plot. The house you bought for 100k next to the bank. All you hear is alarms & gunshots. Players Screaming Bloody Murder.

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Hey Dragon_12dk, Get rid of the farmer job. Anyone who had common sense {Law #7 use common sense} would know that the Plot System is by far a disgrace to Vindex Nation. First of all, With everything like drugs, Alcohol, And tobacco, Nobody is going to

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have money, So why not rip that 100k price tag off of a decent sized house for a change. Money isnt easy to come by & having expensive Plots that you have no Freedom of changing Doesnt help the cause. My point is that here on VindexCraft,

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Plot freedom isnt a thing. You buy your brand new house for 100k & the only thing you can do with it is decorate is. How about I pay for the materials and expand this wall. Thats when you lose your property with NO refund and realize you screwed up.

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Where is our plot freedom. Honestly. Everyone on this server should know that rather than helping with problems. Our President would rather add a Farmer job when you cannot even buy a flat plot that you can altar.
This has gotten on everyones nerves

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That they cannot show thier unique designs of building to other players or make fun business places such as Spleef or open an education center to teach people that do not learn easily. The government must atleast consider this.
Its for the Better.

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Full On Lazy
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I would rather watch paint dry than watch the Vindex Nation Government change.
Why? Because paint would dry faster than the Government would straighten itself up.
I remember 2 years ago when I

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First joined this server I remember being so excited for the cars plugin, That was 2 years ago. It was not working 2 years ago.
-------------------2 YEARS LATER
-------------------Hmmm. It still doesnt work.

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Is Dragon_12dk broken? Hopefully. Atleast that would provide an O.K excuse as to why no improvements go into the server. (Adding one or two plugins isnt an improvement) Its become clear that we would be Better off with built perms

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for everywhere on the server so we can make changes ourselves. It would look like Warzone but honestly Vindex Nation and WarZone arent all that different after all. Dragon makes acts on his own state of mind. The same one hes stuck in all the time.

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Ignorant & Lazy mode. He does nothing for anybody unless he can deeply benefit from it. Conclusion: Vindex Government must be turned around.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Drug Truth Uncovered -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Nxp Pg

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Ever since day one on Vindex Nation there has always been that little sense of Rebelion in the air. Although with everyone having different beliefs, Its impossible not to. But you will notice that as Vindex Nation's Rebelion has been growing so has

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Something else. I am about to uncover the truth about what the Government of Vindex Nation does to keep the Rebelion in the dark & as far away from victory as possible. As the rates of Rebelious acts in Vindex Nation increase.

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So does the amount of added "Fear" Plugins as I like to call them.
The Fear Plugins are plugins that fight the war on Fear using drugs and other possablities of breaking the law or being Killed. As you notice since Vindex Nation Army went to war

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On the Rebels, Things have been breaking into chaos in the city. More successful bank robberies, More kidnappings, All drug and alcohol influenced or motivated crimes. Do you think it was a coincidence that as people started Rebeling against

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Our Dictator Dragon_12dk, More elements of Drugs & Alcohol have been added into the game, Along with the fear of dieng from the newly added diseases. It is no coincidence. There is no more Hiding what the Government has done. I am here to expose it.

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They are being pure pressured into fighting the war on fear with Drugs, One corrupt Government System Vindex has got. But now that we know about it, We can fix it!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Next Page

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Showing Dominance
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Our Dictator himself
feels that he must prove himself & his dominance to the people of Vindex Nation to re-assure them of his power. Everybody has the wrong idea of the Newest "Tobacco"

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Plugin. They think was added in because Dragon_12dk listened to suggestions if even demands for once. Open your eyes to reality, He is a Dictator, Not a President dispite the rank next to his name. I am about to reveal the real reason Tobacco was added.

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Tobacco was added for one reason only. Dragon_12dk added tobacoo as a legall drug to make Players feel as though they have freedom. Then he sticks a "NO SMOKING" Sign wherever he wants just to let you know that even though you have some freedom, You are

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still being controlled under a dictatorship.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Failing Plugins
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I dont find it a surprise at all that Dragon_12dk is adding more and more plugins. Its all just a distraction to keep us from complaining about "Broken"

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Plugins. Everybody was complaining about the Car Plugin not working untill Our Dictator added in the Tobacco Plugin. You see, Its all a distraction. There have been times where this hasnt worked out for Dragon_12dk. An example is when everyone was

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complaining when the bank was broken & the cars Plugin didnt work, Dragon_12dk added Planes & Boats, This Plugin was only popular for a small amount of time. Dragon_12dk needs to open his eyes & see that all plans will fail to distract us forever.

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Proving Dominance
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Dragon_12dk has already thrown the no smoking signs in our face to remind Vindex Nation that he is the Dictator and hold all the power of the Nation.

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What he did before that is now about to be revealed. Do you really think that Dragon_12dk cares about how we act in Public here in Vindex Nation? He doesnt, He is simply trying to show that he holds all Power over us. The old example is a law, If not a

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Rule that we have been living with without questioning it, But I have found out the truth about it. The aclcohol Plugin has been popular since the day it was added to the Server. But one law we didnt even think to question was to not be drunk in uptown.

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I know it sounds wierd but it has its logic. Dragon_12dk is proving his power & Dominance over the people by giving us boundaries in which we can do something legally & the other area where for some reason it is illegal. Doesnt make sense, Guess thats how

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I found out, And if you are reading this, Now you know as well.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Nervouse Breakdown
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Have you typed in chat really fast and made the mistake of forgetting a space after a period in your sentence? If so I bet you got the

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Message stating "Do not post Ip,s in chat" Umn Dragon_12dk you seem nervouse that we are going to tell our friends about other servers or say that another server has something that VindexCraft doesnt. So nervous that you need to take out the ability to

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Skip a space after a period. It doesnt mean we are posting an Ip of another server, Seems as though our Dictator wants as many people on this server to Control and manipluate as possible. Doesnt get colder than that now does it.

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author's note nxt pg
-------------------In this book I discuss most of the ussues that our Dictator, Dragon_12dk has either hidden from us, or distracted us from in order to ignore fixing the issue.

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Author's Note:

I never expected the series to get so much attention from the people of Vindex Nation. I made this book under high demand & am currently writing a book called:
Vindex Life Hax.
a guide to Vindex Nation.