"The Day I Joined" by mrawesome11221

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The day I joined the Vindex Military was amazing. I always loved traning. The reason I joined the military was becuase i wanted to fight the rebels in the ongoing war. Then one day, a rebel chose to pick a fight with me. So I told him to go to the trench

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warfare so we could settle this. We first had a duel. Then I called the other soldiers to help me. The rebel saw what I was doing so he called his friends too! The war was getting serious. Then, as to my amazement, I got ranked up! But, the rebels had a

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secret, evil plan. They threatened to nuke the entire Vindex Nation! I had to go save Vindex. At first I broadcasted it on the radio for everyone to hear. Then I went to the hospital to help the injured and doctors to the bunker. Then I called the

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soldiers to go to the military base. But guess who was waiting for us. THE REBELS!!!