"Day 1 In Army" by zacorange

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Johnnys first day in the Vindex Military

By: zacorange

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Johnny was excited, he finally did it. He passed the Millitary test. He was so proud that he was now able to serve his country. But he did not know what to excpect. He did not know what to do. Johnny travled over to the big Military base gates and walked

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through. Inside he saw men working out and getting ready for training. CSA thehwk called him over. He told Johhny, "Go to the buidling near the gate to get a M16. This is the standard military gun. You will need to get it." Johnny walked over to the

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building near the gate to get a M16. Inside he saw many solders talk about the battle last night. One of the solders said, "That was a tough one last night. We almost didint win, but we were able to get it done in the end because we can do it." Johnny

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then grabbed a M16 and walked over to training. The solders were using the range when he came. Thehwk saw him and said, "Come into booth #1 and try to hit those ten targets." Johnny tried to hit them all but after a magazine of amo he only hit 6. Thehwk

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said, "It's ok we all got to learn somehow. I know one day you will be able to do it, I belive in you."

They then all walked over to the parkour. The solders lined up in a line, sholder by sholder. Johnny joined them and waited for orders from Thehwk.

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Thehwk said, "ok everyone. The goal is to do the parkour in under three minutes."

All of the solders wen't and completed it before the three minutes but Johnny. Johnny tried his best but was not able to do it. No matter what he did he just could not

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complete the parkour.

Eventuraly Thehwk told Johhny, "Cover over here the three minutes is up."

Johnny knew that next time he would need to work harder if he would be able to succed in the Army.

After Johnny was

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lined up Thehwk said, "Good work everyone. do your three laps then you are all dismissed."

Johnny knew that these were to make sure the solders were loyal to Vindex, so he did his very best and was the first one to finish.

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Thehwk told him when he finished, "Good job. In no time you will be ready to fight."

With this Johnny knew, though it may be tough work, he will one day be able to serve his country.

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Written by zacorange