"My Vindex Life" by mantyker

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It all started in mid- may of 2014, when i joined onto vindex for the first time. I was greeted by dragon, the owner when i first arived and went about exploring the city before logging out.

The next day i logged on to see that it wasent just me,

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other players were on and it was nice to see that i was not alone with just the owner and mods. Later in the day, i met a man of witch his name would one day strike fear into people, nad become an insult if called his name....
This man, was huntsmania, a

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citizen of Dorean. He was the first friend i had made on the server after he had shown me Dorean and showed me two command blocks with buttons. one to become a dorean, and another to leave. So, i joined the Dorean and set a home in the wild around it and

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set up a base in the form of a mine. Later on in the day, i learned that Vindex wanted to anex Dorean as a state, and that they would be under vindex rule. hunts and I argued with dragon and the mods over this matter. hunts was bull-headed and kept on

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yelling as I tryed to be a meadeator for the two of them, a sort of diplomat. But, when dragon sent soldiers to us, we swung at them and fired our bows. (this was before guns) There, on that day, was a spark of rebellion. This would be known as the day

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that huntsmania and I, along with other ex-members of Dorean fought against Vindex. We gathered our forces and attacked the soldiers, we over powered them, they were all slain (3 soldiers 5 rebels)
Blood was shed that day, war has begun...

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--==Chapter two==--
Spys and Lies

The next day, hunts showed us his island base in the middle of noware, still unfound to this day. This also marks the day that guns came to vindex.
I volunteired on that day for an

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important mission, to go undercover as a soldier and gather intel on vindex militray plans. I was never found out untill i revealed that i was a spy almost a year after I was.
Later that night, i joined on and we set our plan into action.

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Me and hunts faked a fight in global and i then became a soldier. During my time undercover, soldiers were trained by our gengeral/Vice President, CollinHH. (yes, he was general)
The training was mostly pvp and parkor, but it helped me to lear how to

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fight against the enemy, and later i showed hunts and the other rebels how to train in a military fashion. By this time, we had been spreading our views on the gov. and people rallyed behind us, this was the golden age of the rebels.
Soon, dragon asked me

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if I had infact quit the rebels and i said yes and proved it to him by building an outpost outside of dorean. But really, it was the start of the new rebel forttress.

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--==Chapter 3==--
War at the doorstep
It was a little over a month into the fighting that hunts got cocky and showed dragon the island, and made us soldiers fight the rebels at the island.
I perposefully let myself get killed by rebels

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so that they would have less of a struggle with the other military. The military lost that battle and throughout the next two weeks, the fighting was at full scale. I spying on the soldiers, relaying info back to rebels wile they fight in the wild.

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But one day, that all changed. Dragon had constructed trenches like the ones from the Great War. (world war one) he set the rebels on one side and us soldiers on the other, it was like ww1 all over again. i was shot down within a few seconds of the fight.

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The fighting went on for a few minutes, and in the end by suppruise, even to me, the rebels beat all the soldiers. Dragon said that if we win dorean stays independant, but when he came to the trenches, he denyed us what we have fought for. This was what

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started a rebellion that has lasted for over a year sence that fatefull day.
This is the reason why the rebels are still here, because of dragon being dishonest and not a man of his word.

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--==Chapter 4==--

It was a few days after the trenches and at this point i had made some friends ( Fireseth, Owletz, IIredeemer, and creppercannon) along with a few other old friends

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who no longer play and I forget theyer names. And, on this day I gave intel to hunts about were the military base was, for it had no warp and was secret. As we arived there, hunts kills me then and there. This was treason, after all I had done for him.

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From then on I was against the rebels and I even joined an anti-rebel group devoted to hunting and killing rebels. If betrayal is how they treat the co-founder then they shall pay.

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--==Chapter 5==--
New Beginings

It had been about a month sence the betrayal and it has been nothing but violence between me and the rebels. I had was part of a small army to take them down, led

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by Buttertwins and YAWSgtmorter. hunts had left the server and had not been seen in a long wile and the rebellion seemed in ruins. but before that hunts had taken out 3 of my bases, but i managed to live in a house with some friends in the city and by

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a shop at mall to make money. Life was going well and i had been hired at Vanilla co. brewery by my friend neemarocks105. I was working as both the brewer making drinks and the night time bar tender. It made good pay and the drinks were priced well and it

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was one of the most popular bars for a wile.

Later on I also met KingoftheEnd and EthanKZ when they accidentally took over my base in a mesa biome and gladly gave it back and i let them build homes around the area

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and soon we were building a town. The name of the town would be Endwall and it would not be the last one sadly. Because one day we let in a secret rebel agent and he started ruining the town, killing us, and raiding. We had been defeated and the town

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was tnt'ed to hell. We had no wrae to go, but I had an idea. Build a new endwall, far from the first site. This plan went well because this endwall lasted longer and had more people. the only differance was that it was built underground. Unfortuneatly,

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even after we told the people NOT to tp anyone in, they did, and it was PatricktheEpic, who then tp hunts into our base and blew it up.

We were in shambles, everything was gone, and no ware to go.

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So I gathered other member of endwall and took them far away from that place, to a snowwy mountain area,
were a town by the name of NewEndwall was built. we fortifyed it with walls and watchtowers and got players to be guards.

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But during all this, somthing happend. hunts extended a hand of peace and appologized. I was amazed, he ahd never appologized for anything. I even let him into endwall. And I asked if he could blow it up. This was how it all came back around, this is

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how i went back to the rebels.

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--==Chapter 6==--
The reign of terror

This is how the rebels went, this is how vindex was struck down and weakend to a point that the rebels nearly took over.
It all started on the date of 9/25 2014,

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when hunts had asked me to teach hiw how to fly with movecraft planes, so i showed him what i knew and all the controlls. He said it was for when more people were on later. I had no idea what that would lead to. Later in that day, hunts msged me saying go

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to spawn and walk out of it, what i saw could eassylly be called the biggest rebel attack on vindex even to this day. A passenger airliner was on a course to crash Trump Tower and it did. the plane exploded and hunts said hemanaged to wrap out just

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in time before the crash. Everyone at spawn including me was yelling over radio and 911 that a terrorist attack has happend.
This was the first later, hunt sbought a tower and began to run a company. Then, he asked me and lukeblaster, another well

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known rebel to tp to him. The three of us were to build our own city and get dragon to protect it for us. That plan did not work for hunts asked dragon to blow up the city we built after hunts was elected mayor of vindex city. But during the time we were

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building the city, lukeblaster had got two planes and had plans to terrorist attack. the first target was the mall and the second time was the white house. Later on, hunts bought an island and kept it for the company. ( I now hold the island and my

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mansion is there.)

But, in january of 2015, a full on assult of the main city was launched, and within a day, more than 4 planes had been crashed into buildings. This would be known as the day the rebel federation began

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to fall. and with that, huntsmania and krushgamez, the two highest ranking rebels, were banned. With them gone, I tryed to maintain the rebel agenda, to beat vindex and I came close once when i rallyed an army of at least 10 rebels into warfare and

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took out the military swiftly and without fail. but, soon after, the rebels fell apart, and so, as leader, I fell harder than all.

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--==Chapter 7==--
Criminal Masterminds

Rock bottom was the name they called what I had fell hard onto. I was lost, alone, nowere to go or fit in. A criminal of war on the run is all that I was for the longest time.

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But then, somthing happend. I went back to how I was, before all this. I remember a time when I was in with one of the biggest crime gangs in vindex history, so, I thought why not get some old friends together and pull some jobs.

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We wernt the best team, but we wernt the worst either. here they are....
Sub_Dawson: Streat criminal.
John__123: Drug dealer ( from when i made drugs and he dealed)
Fireseth: well known criminal.

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So, we pulled a few jobs, made some good cash, and went out with a bang before our team broke up. Our crimes might not be that well reconized, but we all left our mark in vindex crime in our own ways.

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--==Chapter 8==--
Personal Life

Sad, tragic, and none of your fucking business.

(also dont mention a girl named Aquabat to me... please, bad memories.)

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--==Chapter 9==--
RP life

Ya know that girl kc who does the whole *eyes turn red* shit? ya, im her rp son, well not really son, more like creation. In RP I am a robot she built.

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Sub_Dawson, a good friend of mine, is her boyfriend as of now.

I have a daughter who has not played in a long time, name ShadowLadyS. Sub also dated her. (Ya, sub_dawson dated like 3 girls in my family)

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And then there is my wo knows how many siblings it seems that kc gets a new kid every week.

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--==Chapter 10==--
Recent times

I have become a doctor and I am now working as a therapist in the hospital for those who need somone to talk to. And by doing this i have realized that I myself

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need therapy. I hang out with friends more on here instaed of isolating myself and so far life is going good.

This has been the story of my life so far up until the date of July 5th, 2015 wich is when this book was completed.

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