"The Chivido Code" by 4Greedo

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Rebel Chivido Code

by: 4Greedo

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~Table of Contents~
Difference between the Peace and War Codes
.... page 4.
Chapter I - Peace Code
.... page 7.

Chapter II - War Code
.... page 27.

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Brought to you by boredom, the ultimate motivator.

There is a difference between a warrior and a brigand. An honourable outlaw, and a common criminal. A rebel and a terrorist.

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The Difference between the sides of the Chivido Code
Under the Chivido Code, there lies two situational codes for the real rebel.

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When on the battlefield, i.e. The War Code.

And when not on the battlefield, i.e.
The Peace Code.

While similiar, there are some differences between the two.

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Namely the principle of Mercy. For Example, on the battlefield, next to no Mercy is given unless surrender is offered. Yet when not on the battlefield, or in a battlefield situation, the Peace Code has a different outlook.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
Chapter I - Peace Code
~table of contents~
I - Rectitude - pg. 8.
II - Clemency - pg. 9.
III - Virtue - pg. 17.
IV - Character - pg. 25

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-Chivido - Peace Code
I - Rectitude

"Rectitude is the bone that gives firmness and stature. Without bones the head cannot rest on top of the spine, nor hands move nor feet stand."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

Clemency is the most important attribute any true Rebel should have. The most priceless ability might be the ability to give mercy at a second's notice.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

If wronged by accident, and the situation is no more than a cut; the wronged person should be able to forgive without hesitation.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

If wronged on purpose, and the oppressor learns the error of his ways; the wronged person should be able to forgive in time.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

"The wise man will not pardon any crime that ought to be punished, but he will accomplish, in a nobler way, all that is sought in pardoning.


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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

-He will spare some and watch over some, because of their youth, and others on account of their ignorance. His clemency will not fall short of justice, but will fulfill it perfectly."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

Patience is a very important attribute; and must be provided with whatever task that is provided. A warrior is always fighting:
Their enemies when in battle; their patience when not.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

"Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you.


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-Chivido - Peace Code
II - Clemency

-So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

The Chivido Virtues are the following;
-Honest Pride

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

Respect is one of the more important virtues of the real rebel. A rebel will follow their cause, and greet those who oppose them with a smile. Hate and disrespect will only hinder their progress.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

"He who wants a rose must respect the thorn."
-Persian Proverb

"When I look at a person, I see a person - not a rank, not a class, not a title."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

"Labour may be a burden and a chastisement, but it is also an honour and a glory. Without it, nothing can be accomplished."

Loyalty to one's cause and brothers' is more important than-

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

-loyalty to one's self.
To betray the just voluntarily is the ultimate shame.

Honesty and Pride go hand in hand. Be honest with your abilities and the abilities of others'.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

Never over/under-
-estimate your abilities.
Take pride in what you can do; work on what you can't do. Boast of your comrades, take pride in what you all do, given it is just.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

"It is important not to allow ourselves to be put off by the magnitude of others' suffering. The misery of millions is not a cause for pity. Rather it is a cause for compassion."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
III - Virtue

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers."

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-Chivido - Peace Code
IV - Character

To maintain yourself is an ultimate unending goal. Refrain from saying no to maintanence of self, i.e. training.

Do not be afraid to speak ones mind in support of another.

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-Chivido - Peace Code
IV - Character

If a fight occurs, do not back down. If one is ending, do not stop it from doing so.

Remember that one's actions determine themselves. They are whoever they make themelves out to be.

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-Chivido - War Code
Chapter II - War Code
I - Rectitude - pg. 28.
II - Clemency - pg. 29.
III - Glory - pg. 34.
IV - Courage - pg. 40.
V - Honour - pg. 42.

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-Chivido - War Code
I - Rectitude

"Rectitude is one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when to die is right, to strike when to strike is right."

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-Chivido - War Code
II - Clemency

"it strikes me there is something greater than judgement. I think it is called mercy."

When on the battlefield, give no mercy to those who deserve none. If they flee without the intent to

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-Chivido - War Code
II - Clemency

keep fighting, then they are cowards, and deserve no mercy. If they fight until they can fight no more, and surrender; let them see their brothers' once more, give the mercy.

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-Chivido - War Code
II - Clemency

If they fight until hell breaks loose; unleash hell unto them, and give them a befitting death.

In short; give mercy to those who surrender, not to those who flee. Those who are willing to face their

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-Chivido - War Code
II - Clemency

fate, are worthy to meet it at another time.

Patience on the battlefield is needed; although sometimes the best option is to patiently waste no time with execution.

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-Chivido - War Code
II - Clemency

"Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way."

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

The most seeked thing on the battlefield should be glory. Be wary, as to not abandon your comrades and planning to seek self-glory. Instead seek glory through executing

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

those plans beside your comrades, gain glory for not only yourself, but your cause, and fellow warriors.

Glory is gained through righteous means.

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

Ex; There is no glory in killing the unarmed.

There is no glory in the harrassment of commoners.

And there is no glory in taking advantage of the weak.

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

The only exception to this is when on the battlefield; If the weak have intentionally come to stand before you; do not let them down.

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

"Glory lies in the attempt to reach one's goal and not in reaching it."

Rise to meet any obstacle. There is no point in fretting about your disadvantages;

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-Chivido - War Code
III - Glory

this will only lead to them being taken advantage of. There is definitely glory in facing an impossible foe without falter.

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-Chivido - War Code
IV - Courage

"Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."

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-Chivido - War Code
IV - Courage

Regardless of the enemy, never let up. A true rebel will stand against one hundred enemies without thinking twice. They might even find enjoyment in a challenge.

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

Honour is the heart of a warrior, and likewise, should hold true to their honour in any situation.

Respect your opponents. At any rate, those who stand before before you

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

without fleeing are warriors themselves. Only through acknowledgement can they be overcome.

Respect your opponents, so they might respect you, and if not; make them.

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

Protect the honour of your comrades, given their honour is worthy of protecting.

If in a battle situation, and one is asked to duel, one ought to honour that request, and accept.

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

"The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy."

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

One should honour those who stand behind them, beside them, and againt them. Being wholesome will always bring them more fruitful results.

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-Chivido - War Code
V - Honour

And above all else, one should honour their warrior spirit. Never let up, the more opponents who stand in their way only serve to kindle ther flames.

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Closing statement:

This is only a rough draft of the unrecorded behaviour and behavioural beliefs of the old Rebellion during the end of Trench and from the beginning to end of 'Nam. It is important to note

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that shortly after these wars, sight was soon lost. These Rebels lost their fight to patience. The only practitioners of this left may only be few. But this is to honour those who wish to follow the true path of those who came

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before them. Honour to those warriors who wouldn't be silenced even when faced against impossible odds.

~Sir Greido III